Claiming Price of Trotter O'doyle Rules September 2019 at Harrington Race Track

SpellJammer: Shadow of the Spider-Moon

Player's Packet (ver 1.3)

for use with the First Edition Pathfinder Role-Playing Game

by Clinton J. Boomer

with special thanks to Andy Collins, Scott Schomburg, Chloe Michelle, Dennis Detwiller, David Gerrold, and George Loki Williams

additional campaign materials may be found here

The broad theme of the campaign is simple: "outsiders — criminals, rejects, freedom fighters, the lost, the abandoned, the desperate, and the mad — go balls-out, nothing to lose, against corrupt authority and nightmare monsters, surviving on the razor's edge of the known & the unknown".

It's meant to have one foot in Serenity/Firefly, one foot in Pirates of the Caribbean, one foot in Guardians of the Galaxy, yet another foot in Princess Bride, plus little dashes of steampunk / dieselpunk pulp-action high-fantasy on top: Raiders of the Lost Ark, Giant Robo: The Day the Earth Stood Still, Aliens, Lupin III: The Castle of Cagliostro, The Mummy, The Fifth Element, The Rocketeer, and/or Big Trouble in Little China


Dwarf: a scattered people born of Moradin's Forge*, 80% of whom now exist solely as slaves beneath the whip and bootheel of the illithid and their grotesque creations. Dwarves in captivity are stripped of their names, titles, and family lineage; for this reason, free dwarves often cover themselves in dense tattoos, transformed into living repositories of their clan history. Dwarves no longer have a homeland but make small communities on Fenris, the Crown-Moons of Garl, Gelth, and Callarduran, and across the Chain of Tears (especially the city of Discord).

For human occupants of Pyrespace, the illithid invasion – which the Church of Yondalla officially denies occurring, under pain of incarceration, transportation, and excommunication – happened ten years ago: half a generation past, when the very youngest of human spacehands were still in diapers.

For dwarves, it happened approximately last Tuesday.

Shepard Book, Zoe Washburne, and Drax the Destroyer are good examples of dwarves.

*NOTE: The Church of Yondalla, which does not recognize the divinity of Moradin, refers to the dwarven home-world instead simply as 'the Adamant Forge' in all official documentation.


Elf: an elegant race in slow decline, born of Perianth, still recovering from the Unseelie War that split and decimated the species a millennium ago. For the elves, long-lived as they are, the wound is still very fresh: fewer than seven generations have passed since the end of the war, after all (for a human, this is perhaps comparable to a tragedy that occurred less than a century and a half ago).

Elves consume food, water, and air as Small-size creatures. Drow are a playable race, although they suffer a great deal of distrust from everyone … including other drow.

Inara, Simon Tam, River Tam, the Operative, Nebula, and Gamora are good examples of elves.

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Gnome: engineers and technologists born from the Circle of Gold, greatest moon of the Crown of Sapphire, now scraping-by on the Crown's remaining moons and across the Chain of Tears: the devastated shards of their destroyed home-world, shattered two-and-a-quarter centuries ago.

Like the elves, of course, gnomes are fantastically long-lived: the very eldest gnomes can recall the true glory of their home world, seen with their own eyes; some of the most ancient were already well into their venerable years, over two and a half centuries old, at the time of the cataclysm. Even for the very youngest of gnomes, those who have never known a home-world other than the Chain of Tears, only about three generations have passed since the destruction of that moon (in terms that a human might understand, this is perhaps similar to an event that occurred 60-70 years ago).

Gnomes may choose to gain +2 Intelligence in place of their standard +2 Charisma; most have the Gear Gnome subtype. Nearly half of all gnomish pregnancies result in twins, and triplets are as common among gnomes as twins are among humans.

Kaylee Frye, Niska, Hoban 'Wash' Washburne, Rocket Racoon, Miracle Max (from Princess Bride), and Twigg (from Pirates of the Caribbean) are good examples of gnomes.

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Hin: Undisputed rulers of Quelya above the waves, thanks much to their ingenuity in social organization & their bountiful harvests even in the most barren of lands. The vast monotheistic religion of the Hin offers prayers to Yondalla and to her Saints, including Davian and Asmodeus; all Hin estates contain a shrine to Yondalla. The priests and nuns of the Church may not marry, though their laity is expected to produce many, many children. Status within the Church is of paramount importance for all Hin; donations to the church can buy writs of indulgence, favorable legal judgment, and even sainthood.

Lord Beckett, Governor Swann, Elizabeth Swan, Captain Barbossa, and Commodore Norrington (from Pirates of the Caribbean), Badger (from Firefly), Buttercup, Prince Humperdink, Count Rugen, Vizzini (from Princess Bride), and the Collector and Grandmaster (from Guardians of the Galaxy) are all good examples of Hin.


Hin identify, for the most part, as members of the Church of Yondalla first, as part of a culture second, and as citizens of a nation third.

Thus, a Hin living in Arvoreen, Beshaba, or Brandobaris can be expected to have an Arvorean, Beshabite, or Brandobarin name. However, a Hin living far away from the shores of Green Fields -- in Cyrrollalee or in Urogolan, for example -- with always retain a "proper" Arvorean, Beshabite, or Brandobarin name.

Hin with Urogalandic names, simply put, do not exist.

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"Invented" Hin names, which are relatively common everywhere except on Quelya, are the major exception to this general rule: occasionally, a young Hin living off-world will choose to reinvent himself -- and, thus, rename himself -- often, but not always, as a means to get out from under the thumb of a particularly oppressive (or shameful) family.

Venturing forth into the unknown without the benefit of a longstanding lineage is, in fact, a tradition among Hin significantly older than modern Arvorean or Brandobarin society.

As such, a young Hin in Lagas going by the name of "Morgan Drake," "John Smith," "Alastair Chapman," or "Sebastian West" -- for example -- might be looked down upon as a probable criminal or even as a pirate ... but on Ashen, Verdura, or out on the Chain of Tears, such an individual is likely to earn a mark of respect from all but the most conservative and close-minded of Hin.

Invented Hin Male Names: Thomas, Morgan, Smith, Hunter, John, Price, Bennet, Chapman, West, Tanner, Spencer, Walker, Jackson, Clarke, Parker, Mason, Drake, Corbyn, Everett, Garret, Simon, Alastair, Sebastian, Elliot, Fletcher, Graham, Ethan, Oliver, Felix, Callumn, Stanley, Richmond, Lennox, Ford, Jensen, Gabriel, March, Ellis, Wellington, Reginald, Chesterton, Alex, Solomon, Carter

Invented Hin Female Names: Beatrix, Cressida, Gemma, Joclyn, Scarlett, Elizabeth, Rhonwen, Maisie, Isla, Kaitlyn, Briony, Jane, Charlotte, Adalaide, Ivy, Gwendolyn, Kenzie, Finlay, Audren, Haley, Theodora, Abigail

Invented Hin Last Names: (any invented Hin male first name)


Human: Humans come in many different colors, in many different sizes, and worship many, many gods – usually in the guise of Yondallan saints. Most humans pay at least some lip service to St. Davian, the great champion of Yondalla (who intercedes to deliver the prayers of humans to Yondalla), but humans very often also worship older, more-private familial gods. Humans may not, of course, marry into Hin families nor join in any Hin merchant house as a full partner; the best that a human can hope for, in many cases, is to be a servant remembered fondly by the children of the family he serves.

This, of course, leaves humans permanently at the bottom of the Quelyan (and thereby system-wide) economic food chain.

It is accepted fact, by those who study the pre-history of Pyrespace, that humans were once scattered across the system for unknown purposes and by unknown means, presumably at the whim of the mysterious Precursors. For this reason, the Church of Yondalla is active in seeking-out lost civilizations of humans who have spent unknown centuries far from the light of Yondalla's mercy.

Captain Malcolm Reynolds, Captain Jack Sparrow, Westley the Farm-Boy, and Peter Quill are good examples of humans.

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al'Zihad: Despite their bizarre appearances and hostile overtures, it is passionately believed that the curious ifrit, oread, sylph, suli, and undine populations native to Ashen were once human: servants of the Precursors adapted over the course of centuries to their alien environment. It is because of this belief that the Church of Yondalla has extended such a warm and generous offer of camaraderie to the "native" al'Zihad population, hoping to reintroduce them to their divinely ordained role as servants … this time, to the Hin.

Aasimar: Human families who commit themselves to the performance of good works in the name of Yondalla occasionally produce an angel-blooded or archon-blooded heir: born to serve the Church as beatific instruments of peace.

Dhampir: Some human children born beneath the Spider-Moon, along the Chain of Tears, or in the wilds of Fenris are infused with strange energies of death-magic. These children are claimed by the Church, for their own protection.

Fetchling: A strange subspecies of human – thought to originally hail from the lost forest-moon of Baervan (circling the Crown of Sapphire), infused with energies from the forbidden Library of the Eremite – these creatures are kept secret by the Church of Yondalla.

Ganzi: The children of humans exposed over-long to the energies of the Crown of Sapphire have been known to exhibit bizarre mutations; such creatures are taken-in by the Church of Yondalla to be kept safe.


Half-Elf: Increasingly common throughout the system, originally the products of union between a male elf and female human: while elven females will often take human lovers, both male and female, pregnancies resulting from such unions are unknown: elven women must maintain a strict, meditative state of concentration to actually achieve pregnancy. As such, accidental fertilization is impossible, and even the act of impregnation is discomforting enough that no elven female would perform the act without sound – usually political – reason.

Elven men, therefore, are often shocked to discover that a brief rendezvous with a human woman has produced a bastard child.

Half-elves now breed true and have formed small communities in larger cities like Discord, Zionil, Dallah, and Lagas. Half-elves have no place within Elven society and possess little group unity.

Will Turner (from Pirates of the Caribbean) and Inigo Montoya are good examples of Half-Elves.

Half-Orc: True orcs (and their off-shoot species, including ogres, goblins, and hobgoblins) are not born and possess no gender: they are fungal creatures that emerge fully-grown from vast, reeking pits. Humans exposed to this fungus occasionally produce half-orc offspring; half-orcs are most-commonly born from humans captured by the illithid and taken to Moradin's Forge (where airborne spores of goblin-fungus are dangerously common).

Half-orcs are prized by the illithid as a more perfect slave-stock than dwarves, orcs, or other monstrous humanoids, and have escaped their bondage to breed true: the product of any mating involving half-orcs (human/half-orc or half-elf/half-orc) is nearly always half-orc: their bizarre, altered fungus-genome is nearly viral in this regard.

Populations of "native" half-orcs intermingle with "native" humans across the wastes of Fenris, representing – to the Church – peoples long separated from the light of Yondalla.

Jayne Cobb and Niska's leg-breaker Crow (from Firefly), Fezzick (from Princess Bride), Yondu (from Guardians of the Galaxy), and Bo'sun (from Pirates of the Caribbean) are good examples of Half-Orcs.

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Kuru: A bizarre subspecies of island-dwelling human driven all-but-extinct by the combined might of the Arvorean navy and the Church of Yondalla; kuru who bend the knee to the Church and denounce the worship of Dagon are given the same rights as other human offshoots (which is to say, not very much and certainly not as much as main-bloodline humans).

Skintwister: A vanishingly small percentage of humans – when directly exposed to alien fauna and extreme environment – rapidly adapt at a cellular level, taking on the most useful traits of a local native animal species within a generation. Human families on Quelya occasionally produce shark-blooded skintwister, while humans on Verdura can produce bat-blooded, bird-of-prey blooded, boar-blooded, crocodile-blooded, or tiger-blooded offspring, and humans on Fenris can produce bear-blooded, bird-of-prey blooded, boar-blooded, rat-blooded, tiger-blooded, and wolf-blooded young. These 'near-humans' are much prized by the Church as useful resources.

Tiefling: Human families who commit wicked deeds, marking themselves for eternal punishment in the bowels of Hell, occasionally produce a devil-blooded heir: born to serve the Church as weapons of war. In addition to the devil-spawn tieflings recognized by the Church of Yondalla, demon-spawn tieflings occasionally appear among the hinen (human servants) of Perianth; kyton-spawn appear among those humans on the Chain of Tears who venture too close to the forest-moon of Baervan, and rakshasa-spawn appear with alarming frequency among those humans assigned to toil the plantation-fields of Verdura.


Warforged: Creations of the gnomes, the original warforged were long ago the original deciding factor in the wars against the ysoki. Redesigned in later centuries to act as adaptable, dependable assistants for gnomes, including the best possible defense against Hive (and later, illithid) incursions into gnome-space, the warforged were manufactured in the tens of millions.

All warforged, under the dictates of the Church of Yondalla, are property: they do not, and cannot, possess souls.

Each warforged is "born" from a generation creche; not a single such creche is known to have survived the destruction of the Circle of Gold (the gnomish home-world), and the technology to repair or re-fire a damaged creche – if one could even be found! – is utterly lost. For this reason, warforged are no longer treated as the expendable resource they were in the days of the Rat-Slaughter or the Hive Marches.

Data (Star Trek), C3-PO (Star Wars), the T-800 (Terminator), K2-SO (Rogue One), Baymax (Big Hero 6), David (Prometheus), Cameron (Terminator: the Sarah Conner Chronicles), Bishop (Aliens), GLaDOS (Portal), Wall-E, and the Iron Giant are all good examples of possible warforged archetypes, but many other interpretations are possible.

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In addition to the major races and civilizations of the system, two dozen or more other sapient species make their homes across Pyrespace.

Inhabitants of Ashen:

Kasatha: Swift and dangerous hunters adapted for the open desert, a rare few kasatha have left the holdings of their clans to seek bounty beyond their world.

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Inhabitants of Verdura:

A huge number of native species make the wilds of Verdura their home, many of them armed with Precursor technology and decidedly hostile to strangers. Among them are the Catfolk (lion, tiger, jaguar, leopard, cheetah, puma), Giff, Ghoran, Gnoll, Grippli, Kobold, Lizardfolk, Nagaji, Orang-Pendak, Reptoid, Tengu, Vanara, Vishkanya, and Wyvaran.


Inhabitants of Quelya:

Gargoyle: A strange species of living stone that laired near – and among – the Urogalandic people for unknown millennia, gargoyles struck a deal with the Church of Yondalla during the Siege of Mordheim to assure their own survival; now, more than four centuries later, these hulking devils serve the Hin as bodyguards, elite scouts, heavy infantry, and unstoppable delivery-mechanisms.

Locathah: The curious and grotesque locathah – who are said to intermingle freely with the humans of many remote island communities – are treated with grave suspicion by the Church of Yondalla, as they often act as spies, seducers, and saboteurs for the cults of Dagon. The few locathah able to earn the trust of the Church are still watched closely for any sign of heresy.

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Inhabitants of Perianth:

Gathlain: In the deepest woodlands of Perianth, far from the oversight of Elven noble houses, the bizarre gathlain wander the twilight; these odd entities claim to originate from an "adjacent" reality, one to which the doors have been shuttered.

The gathlain whisper that older, hungrier, and infinitely more powerful spirits of "the Forest Behind the Word" also lurk in the long shadows, slowly rebuilding their strength after a humiliating defeat -- and centuries of enslavement -- at the hands of a nameless elven witch-queen.

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Inhabitants of the Chain of Tears:

Ratfolk: Nearly exterminated a dozen times over by the warforged armies of the gnomes, with whom they once shared a home world, the ysoki are a cunning species of survivors who have adapted to life across the Chain of Tears with endless tenacity.

Goblin-Spore (SQ): Some percentage of ysoki are carriers for a curious strain of the goblin fungus (which births goblins, hobgoblins, orcs, and ogres) to which they alone are immune.

These special ysoki gain low-light vision, are immune to disease and poison, and are treated as Plant creatures -- in addition to being treated as humanoids with the ratfolk subtype --  for the purposes of a ranger's favored enemy, for bane weapons, for feats, and for purposes of spells such as antiplant shell and horrid wilting, and for all similar effects, although these ysoki do not gain any other normal immunities, benefits, or traits of a true Plant creature.


Inhabitants of Fenris:

A fair number of native species make the wilds of Verdura their home, many of them armed with Precursor technology and decidedly hostile to strangers. Among them are the Catfolk (tigers and snow leopards), Kitsune, Syrinx, and Tengu.


Inhabitants of the Adamant Forge

Duergar: engineered slaves of the illithid, built via a foul twisting of the dwarven genetic code, duergar are not a common sight anywhere in Pyrespace except, perhaps, in the company of their horrid masters. That said, some duergar -- such as those dwelling on the Forge-Moon of Duerra -- have shattered the chains of their bondage and now walk free.

Goblin, Hobgoblin, and Orc: various subspecies born of the same strange fungal blooms (all of which possess the Goblin Spore Special Quality, above), sapient members of these races are rare in the extreme. That said, it is not completely unknown for an individual goblin, hobgoblin, or orc to "wake up": becoming something significantly more complex than a mere weapon of genocide and extermination.

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UNIQUE RACES: Verdura, Fenris, the Chain of Tears, several moons, and even the wilds of Quelya are doubtlessly home to additional sapient species, still as yet undiscovered.



The setting is a single solar-system, Pyrespace, with several major & minor worlds.

WORLDS & NATIONS The Pyre: an incalculably vast stellar engine of incandescent plasma; small dark shapes — rumored to be ancient artifacts of the long-vanished Precursors — orbit the star tightly, flickering low across the endless ocean of flame (burning at an average of 6,000 degree Kelvin), diving through 13,000-mile-tall solar flares that routinely reach 10-20 million Kelvin (up to 100 million); these eerie & barely-visible shapes, whatever they may be, are utterly inaccessible to any modern space-vessel.


Ashen: A storm-wracked world of dust & salt drifting upon an ocean of vacuum, covered in an inhospitable white desert slashed-through with low, jagged, slate-grey mountain ranges; this world hides strange ruins & wondrous treasures of the Precursors beneath its oceans of dust; it is considered strategically valuable both for its rare natural resources; dotted with Hin refineries, forts, border towns, resupply depots, and mining operations; home to strange native populations of kasatha, alongside clans of ifrit, oread, sylph, suli and undine (collectively known as the al'Zihad), who claim to have come to Ashen while bound in the service of the Precursors: inscrutable masters who once dwelt in a mysterious city trapped deep within the Celestial Pearl.

Ashen has two moons:

Anachtyr the Shining: A blinding-bright tempest-world of endless, boiling amythest-hued ocean studded with towering fumarole-vents dozens of miles in height; mighty coils of eye-searing azure lightning leap eternally between titanic these waterspouts, and the steam of this roaring planetoid can be seen drifting into the void: a haze that glitters like diamonds.

Lessinor the Masked: A world of heavy fog, dripping rust, creaking black tourmaline, and unending gloom, mantled in long shadows which writhe with ancient echoes and whispers, it is said that visibility on this planetoid has a maximum of 100 feet. Vast keeps, palaces, and even lightless cities of cyclopean gold-draped skeleons have been reported dotting the curious surface, but not one has ever been found a second time.

Approximately 10% of Ashen is actively subject to mining, exploitation, extraction and terraforming operations.

Major Cities of Ashen:

Acheron: a dug-in black-site military base / fortress-city / arcane research facility controlled by the Hin nation of Brandobaris

Core: a city-sized, semi-mobile mining and oil-rig facility controlled by the Hin nation of Arvoreen; a joint project with gnome & warforged diaspora from the Chain

Salt Lake: a religious-outreach community controlled by the Church of Yondalla, which seeks to convert the native al'Zihad to the worship of the goddess; this is by far the largest city on Ashen, and the central hub for all rail-travel on the planet.

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Verdura: a world of shallow oceans, towering mountain peaks, massive waterfalls, sprawling cave-systems, boiling mud-flats, impossible plateaus, icy ravines, echoing jungles, smoldering volcanos, bewildering river-systems, ancient lost ruins, and — above all — rainforest seemingly without end; home to an uncountable number of near-human species all-but-universally hostile to outsiders, many of whom are armed with ancient Precursor tech.

Hin rubber plantations, lumber mills, exotic "safari" hunting lodges, and industrial logging-facilities are therefore sprawling, heavily-militarized affairs

Although it boasts no truly massive cities, Verdura is host to the Hin colony of New Arvoreen, the center of Covington Farms – soon to be the breadbasket of the Pyrespace system – and a mountain-set Brandobarin research-station known as Thaumir. In addition, a small community of gnome diaspora have established the technological-marvel nation of Markovia, named for its Founder, Monarch and Supreme Leader, Dr. Adlai Markovitch (and his three nieces).

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The Three Moons of Verdura:

Tiamat: A darkly-glittering, iridescent jungle of venom and razor-sharp glass, a shimmering wilderness of fog-shrouded valleys, viridian mire, and steam-wreathed peaks laid beneath a sky of eternally wheeling stars. Home to many of the deadliest insects and reptiles in the system, this endless deep-emerald hell is yet rumored to contain that most fantastic of treasures: the legendary la fonte della giovinezza: a mystic source of endless youth and vitality, guarded by an ancient knight – Sir Azharul of the Thorns – devoted utterly to the service of Yondalla … and to the execution of all unworthy seekers.

Bahamut: A golden moon of shifting desert sand and sky-rending thunderstorms, of dark clouds howling over rain-spattered platinum dunes, this world is sacred to many of the reptilian monstrosities that lurk in the jungles of Verdura. Priests among these creatures claim that once, long ago, doorways opened from their sacrifice-sites to a huge city of bone, a fantastic place fed by the twin rivers Luar and Kath, ruled-over by a red-skinned, leviathan humanoid: a grotesque thing, serpent-like, with four eyes and four ears, that shot flames from its mouth when it spoke. No true evidence of this fabled city, said to lie "behind the east wind," has yet been discovered.

Chronepsis: A small, silver-grey ice-moon, this airless and barren world is riddled with vast doorways, leading down into bone-white palaces of titanic, cyclopean design. What treasure might lie within these pleasure-halls is unknown, as few who have ventured beneath the surface have ever returned. It is sung, by the heretical faith of Dagon, that two great serpents lair here – named Null and Faluzure – and that these creatures know, between them, the fate of the dragons … and time of their return.


Quelya: a world of archipelagos, reefs, marbled sand, dark cerulean waves, and tropical island chains boasting only a handful of sizable land masses, dominated by the Hin (halflings) and their servitor-race, humanity; the hungry, expansionist, colonial-minded nations of the Hin are united only by the rule of a massive corrupt Church and a single vast, hyper-complex monetary system; the planet boasts but a single continent — the Green Fields of Yondalla –  which are ruled-over by an ever-shifting array of Hin merchant-houses; in the furthest reaches of the world, shark skintwisters and locathah are rumored to bend the knee in loyalty to the strange and beautiful malenti, and to make horrid sacrifices to the coiling serpent Dagon.


Acheron: a Brandobarin military base / fortress-city / research base on Ashen

Arvoreen: an aggressive, militaristic nation noted for its perpetual war-footing, it maintains the finest navy in the system; the Arvorean Academy of War is famously egalitarian, admitting humans, half-elves, near-humans, and even warforged into its officer-training corps; national colors of red & gold.

Arvorean Male First Names: Alejandro, Fernando, Santiago, Antonio, Maceo, Francisco, Joaquin, Marco, Cristian, Javier, Rafael, Carlos

Arvorean Female First Names: Yamilet, Carmen, Valentina, Paloma, Lucia, Esmeralda, Alicia, Maria, Sofia, Luna, Catalina, Vida

Arvorean Last Names: García, Fernández, González, Rodríguez, López, Martínez, Sánchez, Pérez, Martín, Gómez, Ruiz, Hernández, Jiménez

Beshaba: The Hin holy city on the banks of the Rio Provendor (and its surrounding hills), most sacred site of Yondalla's worship, currently self-ruled; the place where Gol-Kaa (the Last Human King of Beshaba) was slain by Saint Davian in single combat; national colors of white & sky blue.

Beshabite Male First Names: Dvir, Asaf, Asher, Elazar, Uriah, Reef, Aryah, Ofek, Yaheli, Arbel, Yinon, Idan

Beshabite Female First Names: Maayan, Danya, Liv, Shoshanna, Alean, Annael, Carmel, Eden, Avitel, Avia, Naama, Ofri

Beshabite Last Names: Ngaere, Zerbibi, Mishayev, Qablan, Magadla, Berdugo, Yayin, Sasi, Sharabani, Akiyva, Hagge, Siyvan, Tzviy

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Brandobaris: an elegant, cultured nation noted for its arts and refinement, it maintains the finest academies of learning – in alchemy, wizardry, engineering, medicine, mathematics, law, history, and space-flight – in the system; national colors bright yellow & light grey; home to the three bitterly warring institutes of higher learning:

Archives Timmestre-Falco: home of both the finest telescope array and most complete orrery in the system.

Sincomakti School of Sciences: known for the deep pockets of its alumni – for use in funding elaborate expeditions – and a particularly notorious library.

Universidad de Lepidottero: specialists in medicine, mathematics, and forensic investigation, on the cutting edge of xenobiology.

Brandobarin Male First Names: Luca, Filippo, Marco, Pietro, Giovanni, Nicolo, Davide, Diego, Giuseppe, Edoardo, Tommaso, Andreas , Cosimo, Lorenzo, Ottaviano

Brandobarin Female First Names: Chiara, Nicole, Ludovica, Gaia, Matilde, Vittoria, Francesca, Alessia, Camilla, Bianca, Arianna, Elena

Brandobarin Last Names: Rossi, Berlusconi, Ferrari, Brambilla, Ricci, Greco, Esposito, Marino, Bianchi, Morelli, D'Angelo, Piazza, Caputo

Chaldira: a massive mining-city on Fenris; although it is ostensibly self-ruled under the auspices of a gnomish coalition from the Chain of Tears, in practice the city bows to the "supervision" of a Brandobarin wizarding-circle. Core: a city-sized, semi-mobile mining and oil-rig facility on Ashen, controlled by the Arvorean armada; a joint project with gnome & warforged diaspora from the Chain. Cyrrollalee: former home of the last human king; an enormous, incredibly-fertile nation noted for its high population of humans (mostly farmers); rumors persist among the superstitious peasantry of "fairy circles" in the woods that lead to other realms; national colors of green & dark blue

Cyrrolaelan Male First Names: Odhran (Orin), Rory, Tadhg (Tag), Senan, Cathal (Kat-hal), Rodnan, Aodham (Aiden), Callum, Eion (Ow-en), Rian (Ree-an), Fionn (Finn), Cillian (Killian), Declan

Cyrrolaelan Female First Names: Aoife (ee-fa), Caoimhe (kwee-va or kee-va), Saoirse (seer-sha), Ciara (kay-ra), Niamh (neev), Roisin (ro-sheen), Cara (ca-ra), Clodagh (clo-da), Aine (on-yah), Aislinn (ash-lin), Alys, Avalon

Cyrrolaelan Last Names: Murchadha (Murphy), Ó Ceallaigh (Kelly), Ó Súilleabháin (O'Sullivan), Breathnach (Walsh), Ó Broin (Byrne), Ó Conchobhair (O'Conner), Ó Raghallaigh (O'Reilly), Ó Dubhghaill (O'Doyle), Mac Carthaigh (McCarthy), Ó Gallchobhair (Gallagher), Ó Cinnéide (Kennedy), Ó Muireadhaigh (Murray), Ó Cuinn (Quinn), Ó Mordha (Moore), Mac Lochlainn (McLoughlin)

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Dallah: a sin-soaked island city of gambling & revelry, part of the Tymoran island-chain; currently under self-rule; "national colors" of black & white Gixx: a floating city named for its watery host-moon, under Brandobarin control, orbiting the Crown of Sapphire Lagas: capital city of both Arvoreen and Brandobaris, existing along the border of both nations at the mouth of the Rio Provendor; a sacred city of the faith of Yondalla second only to the City & Lands of Beshaba

Important Sites in Lagas: The Rusted Sun Theatre, Parrish Place Bed & Breakfast, Café Molise, The Shuttered Door Academy

Important Hin residing in Lagas: Lord Mayor Emilio Dioceres, Archbishop Quirino Stephanos, Minister of Finance Alessio Villanova, Trade Minister Lazzaro Calistoga, Assistant Trade-Minister Dario Adalberto.

Moander: capital city of Cyrrollalee, built on the ruins of Dún Ailinne.

Mordheim: capital city of Urogolan, former home of "Uric, Last Human King of Urogolan"; this cold and half-tumbled fortress city, towering high above the treacherous stone of the Baía da Loucura, is choked in near-constant ice Perryroyal: massive island city at the far end of the Tymora island-chain that serves as the legendary "gateway to Xhiaae-La," currently under the control of the Arvorean navy Salt Lake: a religious-outreach community on Ashen controlled by the Church of Yondalla, which seeks to convert the native al'Zihad to the worship of the goddess; this is by far the largest city on Ashen, and the central hub for all rail-travel on the planet Thaumir: a mountain-set Brandobarin research-station on Verdura Tymora: a particularly fertile chain of islands inhabited mostly by humans, currently ruled by the city of Dallah; the islands stretch from Lagas to Perryroyal.

Many traditional Tymoran names -- especailly those found in Dallah -- sound vaguely Greek to 21st-century human ears, but the islands are home to over 7,000 unique human cultures and no single list could possibly home to capure the length and breadth of the names used by Tymorans.

In addition, put bluntly, many people of the island chain simply do not think of themselves as "Tymoran," but, rather, as members of a distinct culture under foreign occupation.

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Urogolan: grim, north-most Hin nation, noted for its vast mineral wealth, dense coniferous forests, fatalistic populace, and bleak weather; national colors of grey and black.

Urogalandic Male First Names: Ander, Hans, Johan, Ulf, Lars, Sven, Ivar, Leif (layf), Magnus, Ragnar, Sigurd (see-gurd), Herleif (her-leaf), Hjalmar (hyal-mahr), Njal (nj-al), Ødger (ed-ger), Roar (ruw-aar), Rune (ruw-n-eh), Sten (stehn), Trygve (trig-vah), Uhtred (oof-tred), gil (ee-yeh-gil), Einar (eye-nahr), Frey (fray), Geir (geyr), Gudbrand (good-brant), Gudmund (good-moond), Gunnar (guhn-nar), Hagen (hah-gen), Haldor (hahl-dawr), Halvar or Halvor (hahl-vahr), Jarl (yahr-al), Kåre (kehr), Aric (aar-ih-k), Arkyn (aar-khin), Brynjar (brin-yahr), Cuyler (kiel-ehr)

Urogalanadic Female First Names: Áma, Åse, Astra, Astrid, Borghild, Brynhild, Eir, Elli, Embla, Erica, Liva, Ragnfríðr, Revna, Rúna, Saga, Sigrid, Sif, Freya, Heidrun, Hildr, Hrefna, Hulda, Kara

Urogalandic Last Names: Any of the above Urogalandic male first names, with one of the following added to the end: sen, son, sson, søn, datter, dotter, or dottir

Xhiaae-La: legendary islands of gold & jade just beyond Tymora, source of human unarmed martial fighting techniques highly valued by Hin employers; currently under Brandobarin control

Xhiaae-Lan Male Names: Liang, Haoran, Zhen, Shufen, Ling, Lan, Kaihong, Taio, Shui, Qui, Jin, Chun, Ai, Bao

Xhiaae-Lan Female Names: Annchi, Baozhai, Changying, Chao-Xing, Chuntao, Da-Xia, Daiyu, Ehuang, Fenfang, Genji, Hu, Huian

Xhiaae-Lan Family Names: (spoken & written first) Shao, Long, Wàn, Zhāng, Qián, Tāng, Yǐn, Lí, Yì, Cháng, Wǔ, Qiáo, Lài, Gōng, Wén

Zuzadlara: an Arvorean military-base and floating "port city" on Perianth, established to assist Elven forces in maintaining peace across the system.


Perianth: the elven home-world, a mist-wreathed, twilight-draped bioengineered "forest of prosperity" constructed by the Precursors via unknown means; the deep woodlands are said to hold terrifying gateways to other realms of existence; the courts of the elves are closed to outsiders, and non-elves are permitted access only to a vanishingly small number of sky-ports; the elves of both the Western Courts and Eastern Courts alike do a brisk trade in humans bought from the Hin, and some reports suggest that only 3% of the planetary population is actually elven.

Perianth is "ruled" by House Larethian, although the high throne of that House – that of the Phoenix Emperor (Western Court) or Moonlight Dragon (Eastern Court) – stands empty, as does the throne of his bride: Lolth, the Beautiful Eclipse (Western Court) or Lolth, the Crimson Empress (Eastern Court).

The favor of House Larethian is a currency traded by the other noble Houses; the Western Court name is given for each House first, followed by the Eastern Court name:

House Fleuris / House Kaika: painters, vintners, and rose-garden keepers.

House Sanglante / House Chimanire: the most-expert sword-smiths and sword-saints.

House Chanceux / House Kōun'na: Imperial record-keepers, known for their prodigious luck.

House Illustre / House Kagayakashī: the most beautiful and honorable house, known for their mastery of dance.

House Assombrir / House Kage-tsuki: the lowest of the noble houses, experts in medicine.

Perianth is not known to have any major cities, although each House maintains a number of holdings.

Western Court Male Names: Baillieu, Ménétries, Bachelot, Peletier, Bocuse, Marius, Théophile, Roland, Ancel, Thibaut, Sylvain, Médard, Chauve, Rémy, Maret

Western Court Female Names: Solène, Élisa, Émeline, Joséphine, Ameline, Neri, Mélanie, Coline, Émilienne, Iseult, Asselineau, Eulalie, Roxanne

Eastern Court Male Names: Hyotoki, Gatane, Yamitsu, Dainaga, Akihiko, Yori, Hideaki, Kazuhiro, Wantaro, Anoye, Gezushi, Sesuki, Teitada, Hiroaki, Noboru

Eastern Court Female Names: Haitsuke, Narino, Reinatsu, Maera, Benomi, Kohaku, Kayo, Miyako, Aya, Shizuka, Komina, Jionuye, Kakura, Amiri, Reiko, Yuki, Emi

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The Spider-Moon

The sole satellite of Perianth, a massive labyrinthine ruin to-which one third of the elves — the drow — were exiled long ago; the drow are no longer trapped beneath the surface of the Spider-Moon due to the hideous gifts of the illithid. This oversized nightmare realm is ruled by House Lolth and her loyalists: exiled members of all five noble Houses and their servants. This inhospitable world boasts only a single major trade-hub: the Dark City of Xogotha.

Any type of direct approach on the Spider Moon must find a way to navigate the tens of thousands of floating dead (and undead) – casualties of the Unseelie War – still drifting in orbit around the planetoid. For their part, the drow use this corpse-field as a blockade, employing necromancy to bypass the horror-show whenever necessary.

Drow names are identical to elven names.


The Celestial Pearl: a mysterious planet-sized anomaly bearing what appears to be a perfectly smooth, bone-white surface: this ghostly pale sphere has no atmosphere and no magnetic field, no geographical features, no marks consistent with any meteoric impact, no evidence of historical habitation, a surface temperature of 3 Kelvin, and a core temperature zero Kelvin. The curious surface itself – which appears to be an impossibly-thin crystalline latticework of monomolecular razor-ribbons covered in a few drifting inches of ice-powder, white sand, ash, and stardust – cannot be landed-upon or even approached: weird, invisible, immovable "arches" — made of something harder than adamantium — protrude in a strange, coiling web of whorls into space, reaching up to 500 miles away from the surface.

Zionil: Largest space-station in the system, nearly a moon onto itself, this massive gnomish facility serves as an informal way-station -- a respected, nearly sacred neutral ground -- between the "inner worlds" of Ashen, Verdura, Quelya, and Perianth; and the "outer worlds": the Crown of Sapphire and the Chain of Tears, Fenris, and Moradin's Forge.

It also serves as the ultimate melting-pot of cultures across Pyrespace: here, humans dressed in fashionable gnomish top-hats & tails rub shoulders with dwarves travling to jobs on Ashen & half-orcs en route to Verdura.

Dominated by the enormous Cathedral of St. Deneir the Scribe and House of St. Mili, the Voice of Heaven, sprawling centers of worship for the Church of Yondalla, Zionil is also home to a huge Xhaaie-Lan population; the Lantan Shipyards are without a doubt the finest facilities in the system for the design & construction of Hin-built spelljamming vessels.

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The city is unofficially under the control of Baronet Giancarlo Lugocelli of Fenris, a devout human aristocrat admired across the system for his shrewd buisness accumen and unbridled civic spirit.

This artificial moon also serves as home to The Thirteenth: an emergency garrison of specially-designed warforged kept in reserve to make a surgical-strike wherever the threat of Hive activity is detected outside the heavily quarantined moons of Segojan (Hive Colony Euclid), Baervan (Hive Colony Keter), Baravar (Hive Colony Thaumiel), and Urdlen (Hive Colony Apollyon); this force is led by Inquisitor Francesca DiAccursio of La Universidad de Lepidottero as part of a massive anti-xenos taskforce.

An increasing number of dwarves from Moradin's Forge also now make a holy pilgrimage here to the Muamman Duathal: a library of dwarven law, history, technological innovation, achivement, literary scholarship, and art nearly the equal to the catacombs of lost Dugmaren.


The Crown of Sapphire & the Chain of Tears: an enormous, shining, many-ringed cerulean gas-giant, host to a dozen moons (listed below) and the long trail of an asteroid belt which follows behind it; the Crown roars with low heat and mild radiation, serving as a "second sun" to the system. As to the means by which the Precursors performed this "stellar uplifting" and manipulated the interior of the Crown, it is impossible to say.

About 70% of the "chain" following behind the Crown was originally the home-world of the gnomes – once known as Kruug od Szlatta, or the 'Circle of Gold' – and their many miraculous inventions, which was shattered utterly as the result of a run-away hyper-energy reaction; big money can be made out here, sifting the clockwork wreckage and mining interplanetary debris for rarities; the finest technology in the known universe can be found here: powering the cities, foundries, refineries, sky-docks, casinos, space stations, laboratories, and bio-manufactora which float together in complex nets through the wild void.

Moons of the Sapphire Crown:

Garl: now the largest of the moons, a gem-studded planetoid home to a huge number of scattered mineral-mining operations, including Blistavo Zlatta: now the default capital-city of the gnome people, formerly known best as a decadent, lawless, off-world trade-hub town full of casinos, amusements, cunning illusions, and other cheap entertainments.

Gelth: second largest of the moons, a dark spheroid of endless seething lava-flats, smoldering radioactive pools, toxic black smoke, and jagged obsidian blades miles in height. Home to a small number of mining-colonies (which are outnumbered 10-1 by the destroyed remnants of exactly such facilities).

Callarduran: third largest of the moons, a place of icy-cold wind whistling through thousands of miles of smooth stone tunnels, home to the finest stone-crafting workshops in the system.

Flandal: a hot, near-barren planetoid rich in iron and a number of other valuable metals … but, very specifically, boasting neither water nor arable land. Successfully cleared of all Hive infection after the eradication of Hive Colony Nehemoth in 1463; classified as safe.

Gixx: a fog-shrouded shallow-sea water-world currently occupied by a floating Brandobarin city.

Segojan: a smog-shrouded death-world of fungus and alien monsters, home to Hive Colony Euclid.

Baervan: a lost moon, once a twilight forest-world, now home to Hive Colony Keter; also home to the mysterious, floating Library of the Eremite.

Baravar: a shadowy crystalline moon now home to Hive Colony Thaumiel.

Urdlen: home to nothing but an icy, red-tinged ocean that flows silently between towering black spires, this bleak world now plays host to Hive Colony Apollyon.

Gaerdal: a heavily fortified workshop-moon, now 99% destroyed; original "birthplace" of the warforged.

Nebelun: the still-smoldering remains of a desert laboratory-world, dotted with blackened pits connected by a vast webwork of now-shattered elevated railways.

Rupa u Beskonačnom (the Hole in the Infinite): although not a true moon, this small artificial wormhole drifts in orbit around the Crown of Sapphire, occasionally spiting-out weird horrible alien monsters: the nearby moons of Segojan (Hive Colony Euclid), Baervan (Hive Colony Keter), Baravar (Hive Colony Thaumiel), and Urdlen (Hive Colony Apollyon) are infected with a terrifying strain of bizarre alien life; the wormhole is currently orbited by a small armada of mysterious githyanki ships native to another solar system.

Major Cities of the Chain of Tears:

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Discord: The largest city adrift in the Chain is also the largest city system-wide; in terms of sheer population, only the holy city of Lagas on Quelya even comes close. Discord is a sprawling affair, composed of innumerable asteroids and earth-bergs lashed-together with sparking remnants from hundreds – if not thousands – of derelict and damaged SpellJamming vessels. Although the gnomish population of Discord is lightly smaller than that of Blistavo Zlatta, on Garl, gnomes and their warforged security units run much of the city: High Master Artificer Krenlin maintains strict order among the scoundrels, spacehands, and fortune-seekers … at least, in the neighborhoods capable of paying for his protection. The black markets of Discord's underbelly are run by gangs of ysoki (ratfolk), dwarves, half-orcs, half-elves, more bizarre human-offshoots, locathah, kasatha, unique creatures from the wilds of Verdura and Fenris, and even drow. Significantly more uncommon are goblins, orcs, and ogres – ancient enemies of the dwarves – and Perianth-born elves; although Hin are occasionally spotted here, it's incredibly rare to see one without an escort … such as a lumbering Church-sanctioned gargoyle or a heavily-armed mercenary crew.

Serenity: Known better by its inhabitants as 'Scarcity,' this ugly warren of trash and filth is – to those with the keen eyes to see it – a goldmine of opportunity. If the ysoki can lay claim to a home-world, this is it: the majority of the population here is ratfolk, and their laws guide the city … for good or for ill. Part of a dense asteroid-field known for dangerous gravitational eddies, the port of Serenity is a haven for pirates and criminals wanted in every other metropolis.

Linger: The last glorious remnants of the Circle of Gold are kept here, a city-sized museum dedicated to the memory of that devastated world, and to honoring the uncounted millions who perished in the flare of its destruction. It is a place of quiet luxury and high technology, where the very wealthiest of those who do business in Discord can pretend – if only for a few hours – that the Circle of Gold was never broken.

Gnomish Male Names: Andrija, Nikola, Luka, Marko, Aleksandr, Jovan, Nemanja, Matija, Miloje, Miroslav, Rodavan, Vlado, Zivko,

Gnomish Female Names: Aleksandra, Teodora, Jana, Katarina, Petra, Malina, Milena, Maja, Hana, Anja, Milica (miy-LIH-ts-a), Sara, Nina

Gnomish Last Names: Jovanović, Petrović, Nikolić, Marković, Đorđević, Stojanović, Ilić, Stanković, Pavlović, Milošević, Katić, Sinđelić, Nedić, Marić, Višnjić, Janjić, Sarić, Miličić, Milenić, Natalić, Zorić, Smiljić, Anđelić

Warforged Names: any; names of warforged are self-selected, are not derived from family, and may be drawn from any culture.


Fenris: A frozen, rocky world of icebergs & fathomless oceans, mighty fjords, roaring hot springs, steaming river-valleys, shrieking tundra, rolling steppes, drifting ice-floes, frigid marshland, deep emerald forest, and seething volcanoes; it is "ruled-over" by a minority population of warring giants, who tear themselves fully-formed from the simmering ley-lines of the living planet; in their long shadow, bold survivors face the fierce wrath of endless winter; some clans scratch out a meager, subsistence-level hunter-gatherer existence, while others build great longhouses, fortresses, and onion-domed cathedrals of wood & stone, defying the giants; beneath the surface of the world, enchanted mechanical castles — home to slumbering vampire lords — wait in silence to be called-forth for the night-hunt.

Humans and half-orcs "native" to Fenris tend toward Cyrrolaelan and Urogalandic names, suggesting some truth to the legends of doorways in the deep woods leading between Quelya and Fenris.

The massive, smoldering, heavily-entrenched mining-city of Chaldira employs tens of thousands of workers, including innumerable indentured humans and near-humans imported from Quelya by the hundreds through the Church-sanctioned penal transportation program; most such workers are branded, upon arrival, to prevent their disappearance into the local human communities. Specialized squads of "workforce retention agents" operating under Brandobarin authority maintain an uneasy peace with nearby human enclaves … though both groups wisely fear the fury of giants, who on occasion choose to assault the veritable fortress of Chaldira seemingly out of pure malice.

Beyond humans, dwarves comprise the bulk of Chaldira's employees; outright violence in the barracks between dwarves and their orc-blooded coworkers is frowned upon, punishable by both monetary fine and loss of privileges, but is still not uncommon. Gnomes, warforged, and even ratfolk form the Chain of Tears are also common sights, as are Hin mages and their gargoyle bodyguards, although the only thing rarer than a native of Verdura here is an elf.

For their own part, the native catfolk, kitsune, syrinx, and tengu give Chaldira a wide berth: the huge, heavily militarized mining-city has, for the most part, nothing to offer them.

Moons of Fenris

Bahgtru: A hot, dark, ash-swept landscape of dense black forests, broiling deserts, flinty badlands, murky rivers, and foreboding seas, all bearing the ravages of constant war waged beneath a coal-streaked and starless sky. A dozen or more major orc-blood nations vie for control of this resource-rich, twilight-lit world; the largest single military force – the Broken Skull Clan, led by a hulking creature called Moragrek – dominates less than 10% of the planetoid. In the deepest woodlands, orcs fly crude marrow-stained, gut-stitched banners above fallen towers still sparking with ancient Precursor-tech.

Ilneval: Floating mountains, coiling moebius-spiral waterfalls, serpentine valleys filled with boiling fog, forests of glass, a series of artificial rings, cities of broken fractal room-recursions, walking Precursor-tech "transport-facilities" the size of nations, and stranger landmarks dot this bizarre world. Worse still, the goblin-fungus of this moon has underdone a wild number of dangerous mutations, producing varieties of dangerous goblinoid entities unknown anywhere else in Pyrespace.

Luthic: A damp, echoing, rain-drenched world with a low-burning core, this windswept planetoid sees surprisingly few dangerous meteorological events – considering the near-constant cloud cover -- and features only very mild tectonic activity. As such, impossible caverns filled with warm mushroom forests abound, grazed-upon by bizarre, blind half-fungal elk. This world is by far the economically valuable of the Fenris-moons, a veritable goldmine for its Brandobarin investors; transportation to this moon is a sentence dreaded by every human living under the Church of Yondalla's laws.

Obould: Miles upon miles of long-fallen ruins – twisting, elegant citadels of what appears to have been ancient elven construction – crisscross this rime-coated world, buried in miles upon miles of shattered ice; unfortunately, whatever strange process causes the planet Fenris to vomit-forth giants from its ley-lines is also active here: titans of frost wander the wastes, obedient to three mysterious warlords: the Shogun of Crimson Snowfall, the Shogun of the Endless Dark, and the Shogun of Winterblind.

Shargaas: High above the roiling toxic cloud-cover, cold mountain-peaks spill miles-long waterfalls from smoldering calderas; far below, falling ash and acidic sleet fall silently on the dark glass libraries of the Precursors. It is said that nothing moves here, in the realm of dead furnaces: a planetoid fallen to night. In the winding passages beneath the dormant facilities, however – the strange passages linking the long abandoned "colleges" of Hopelorn, Cold Fever, and the Citadel of Vanished Audience – somethingold and unclean can be heard clicking-away … hungry, and drawing ever closer.

Vaprak: Trolls are an infectious, predatory presence known across Pyrespace: Verdura, Tiamat, the forests of Cyrrollalee and Urogolan, the wooded isles of Tymora, the Crown-moon of Baervan, and upon most of the Fenris-moons & Forge-moons; in fact, it is believed (but not confirmed by the elves) that trolls may even be known in the wild places of Perianth. No place, however, can be said to have been conquered by the trolls like this horrid planetoid: an endless morass of sinking stonework and icy-cold swamp, a place of stench and the low whine of blood-mad insects.

Yurtrus: Miles below the Brandobarin military research-facility of Khin-Oin, a planet-sized city of war-ravaged, long-overgrown Precursor-tech glitters in the cold sunrise … while another neighborhood, connected by monorails that blur between districts faster than the speed of sound, shines like an ocean of light on the other side of nightfall. The city – nicknamed "Fleshslough" by the researchers who drift in orbit high above, perpetually examining the curious urban properties – is a vast thing of austere, ever-moving wonderment: whatever incurable, perversely-contagious disease hangs in the warm air reduces skin to boiling crimson horror in mere moments.


Moradin's Forge: this hyper-dense, heavily volcanic planet is just over half the size of Quelya, yet it commands a significantly more massive gravity well. Although it boasts a minimal surface atmosphere, it serves as the home world of dwarves, goblins, ogres, hobgoblins, and orcs; it is also the staging-ground for an illithid invasion-force with control over a supermassive wormhole situated somewhere beyond the edge of the known solar system; illithid forces include any number of alien monstrosities (many mutated or bio-manipulated by the illithid) stolen from a hundred different systems, of which orcs are the newest prize; 80% of all dwarves system-wide live in bondage beneath the heel of the illithid.

A single rebel city, secret in the extreme, is hidden in the shadows of otherwise-absolute illithid dominance: Veil, last hope of the Forge.

Dwarven Male First Names: Hakk, Osrick, Drok, Brut, Muls, Grold, Urbrik, Aandrak, Buulrol, Kigrer, Fraysik, Korvin, Vog, Bellbaarg

Dwarven Female First Names: Yorgwyn, Urgwan, Rren, Inngva, Kledgeg, Lonnvull, Urrgvi, Kalbri, Khora, Sro, Ohlih, Hyylkis, Memrii

Dwarven Clan Names: Grandmaul, Stonehall, Winterstride, Thunderhand, Icevein, Wargold, Blackstone, Runelore, Heartstrong, Ironblaze, Steelfist, Greysky, Shieldhorn, Axetusk, Proudburn, Stormedge


Dwarves are hardly a monoculture, and each dwarf has dealt with the loss of Moradin's Forge in an intensely personal way. Some dwarves have taken to answering only to their Clan name (their first name forever, abandoned), while others refuse to speak their Clan name aloud until they stand once more in the re-taken hall of their ancestors; some dwarves have founded entirely new off-world lineages -- such as Clan Dustblade of Ashen -- and some have adopted themselves into existing bloodlines: Clan Malov, the "dwarven branch" of the Malovitch crime-family is, of course, the most famous of these.

Orc, Goblin, Ogre, Hobgoblin Names: Wurgoth, Gradba, Azuk, Speghat, Cagan, Wilaktug, Sbghat, Omegugh, Fogugh, Braugh, Oggugat, Yegoth, Oogorim, Vothug, Nildud, Golag, Bugharz, Zguk, Ombilge, Zudagog, Tothag, Sogg, Narfug, Ergoth, Xorag, Orpigig, Agronak, Orakh, Xulgug, Fudagog

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Moons of the Forge AKA "The Morndinsamman":

Abbathar: A shimmering world of vast iron pyrite slabs floating across a seething ocean of molten lead, shot-through with veins of plutonium. Extreme weather events triggered by mega-scale Precursor tech embedded at the moon's poles – still barely understood, even in theory – routinely cause the surface temperature and atmospheric pressure to reach or exceed 4,000 degrees Kelvin and 18 gigapascals (2,610,680 pounds per square inch): converting portions of the atmosphere into solid, crystalline "red oxygen" while shattering the vast methane-plumes into sheets of pure diamond.

Berronar: A temperate world of steep valleys and winding natural cave systems, with a craggy mineral-rich surface marked by broad streams and small hardwood forests, this served for nearly seven centuries as the "second home" of the dwarven people, founded soon after first contact with gnomes from the Circle of Gold. The early loss of this quiet paradise-moon, along with the entirety of its population, to the illithid during their invasion was a brutal blow to the Clans of the Forge.

Clangeddin: A storm-wracked world of mighty fortresses and massive iron-foundries, this was the very last of Forge-moons to fall: its bleak surface is still marked with endless fields of the unburied war dead, broken banners, and mighty siege-engines half-buried in seas of ash. The endless lightning strikes are said to illuminate black rivers of goblin-fungus running between the most hallowed halls and treasure-filled tombs of the ancient dwarven kings: funerary-stone and pale gold circlets trod into the grey mud.

Duerra: In some ways, on certain battle-fronts, it can be said that the dwarven race yet stands: roaring in open, bloodthirsty, unrelenting defiance of the illithid and all their servants. On this inhospitable planetoid, a vast labyrinth of toxic metal-tainted pools, rusted razor wire, and dizzying mineshafts once used to extract silver, iron, gemstones, and titanium by the cubic ton, two rogue creations of the illithid – the duergar and the dark naga – wage endless war in the dark, focusing the psychic energies of their cold anger on killing anything that so much as looks at them sideways … and plotting, always, to escape the oubliette and shackle the universe as their slave.

Dugmaren: What was once the center of all dwarven scholarship – the eternal echoing repository of some thirty centuries of discovery, poetry, engineering, innovation, and invention, the epicenter of all history recorded by the Clans of the Forge, the memories of a people writ in rune – has been lost. None can say how many tomes and testaments were lost during the Battle of Dugmaren, put to the torch and the axe … nor how many of the great, austere library-moon's sacred record-keepers were devoured by the rapacious illithid, their minds stolen to be used as horrid weapons against the living. For those who treasure the knowledge of ages, the fall of Dugmaren was perhaps the greatest loss of all.

Dumathoin: A lightless world, shrouded in constant slate-grey cloud-cover, riddled with dangerous – yet fantastically lucrative! – gemstone cave systems of seemingly limitless depth. In the many centuries of its exploration, it yet continues to reveal strange new secrets: some treacherous, some fantastic, all of them beautiful and curious in the extreme. Legends suggest that the winding passages here are truly limitless: that the halls curl back on themselves, leading to tunnels beneath the surface of the Forge, the Spider-Moon, the sands of Ashen, the tombs of Chronepsis, the vampire-castles of Fenris, and even the strange armor of the Celestial Pearl.

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Gorm: A cruel planetoid, a howling nightmare of treacherous, winding obsidian passageways, covered in goblin-fungus and lit only by the low blood-red flickers of a hateful molten core, the Gauntlet of Gorm was once the final testing-ground of the greatest dwarven warriors and the finest dwarven armor: here, unstoppable heroes and unbreakable shields alike were forged. Fallen, now, to the illithid, the retaking of unassailable Gorm may yet represent the last, best hope of the dwarven people.

Haela: The imposing mountain peaks of this glimmering moon are carved with the likenesses of the great clan leaders, the eternal Kings and Queens of the Forge. Beneath their austere gaze, feuding clans have, for centuries, set aside their hate and their bloodthirst to settle generations-old grudges through honorable challenge: tests of skill-at-arms, bravery, strength, endurance, mettle, riddling, drinking, cunning, and even the gift of poetry. The halls here have fallen silent, picked-at now by lean, faceless nightmare predators: misshapen things born under unclean stars.

Laduguer: A hard world wrapped in chill grey mist, a moon of foul reputation and terrible whispers drifting on the winds beneath the stone. Under a steel-grey sky flickering with impossible darkness, bottomless pits sparkling with adamantine and black diamonds rend a jagged landscape of petrified Precursor tech: shattered alien weapons, armor, engines, towers, biological experiments, and massive shipwrecks of sea, star, and air, all transformed to iron. Vast, gaping holes in the surface – some miles across – open into mazeworks of silver and mithral, precious blood-onyx and fantastic skymetals, the tunnels lit by the twisting glimmer of an unwholesome and unnatural flame. The icy peaks of this foreboding moon are home to three long-abandoned dwarven strongholds: the Citadel of the White Rose, the Fortress Hammergrim, and the Throne Perilous.

Marthammor: A wild and far-wandering forest moon of geysers and thermal vents, known for its near-constant earthquakes, its towering native flora and fauna, its softly luminescent gemstones, it extreme and unpredictable weather, and – perhaps best of all – for its sprawling subterranean woodlands: vast, steaming caverns filled with trees adapted to survive seemingly without need of sunlight. Legends speak of doorways in the deep woods to other worlds, and ancient elven runes – some millennia old – can be found carved alongside incomprehensible alien glyphs on the many moss-covered marble pillars, stairs, ivory archways of long-fallen ruins.

Sharindlar: A dusky, crimson and rose-gold planetoid of impossible buttes, wide mesas, abundant hot springs, and huge naturally occurring stone "monuments" interlaced with warm shallow seas, all brushed with glittering, coral-pink sandbars, echoing grottos, and wide white beaches. The rare minerals and exotic plant life of this moon are said to possess a variety of astonishing medicinal properties, capable of restoring life, joy, and vitality to even the most crippled form. A massive temple – seemingly of dwarven construction, yet over 7,000 years old – rises from a golden hillside surrounded by circles of great standing-stones, marked by runes of indecipherable origin.

Thard Harr: Thought to be the ancient origin-point of goblin-fungus, the so-called Labyrinth of Life is home to terrible, primordial beasts seen nowhere else in Pyrespace. This bizarre, sweltering jungle world is stacked in "layers" of independently-floating, constantly shifting plateaus, all orbiting a single boiling ocean: the destination of all waterfalls and the source of constant warm mist and heavy rain. For reasons yet unknown, the maddening complexities of this moon are well-recorded in the oral histories of many monstrous species dwelling on Verdura, who claim to have walked star-paths to this place – for purposes of tending to a mysterious "Temple of the Deceiver / Serpent-Father" – in ancient days.

Vergadain: A small planetoid of gentle hills and clear lakes with a wide orbit, this moon was – for nearly seven centuries, since 1051 A.D. – the preferred meeting-ground to facilitate trade between the races of gnome and dwarf. In the wake of utter cataclysm befalling the shattered gnome home world (in 1492 A.D.), a number of wealthy and prominent gnomish merchant-families established permanent residence here at the heartfelt invitation of their friends among the Clans of the Forge; the casual annihilation of those families by the illithid at their outset of the invasion was a horrific shock to both races.

# pathfinder# spelljammer

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Lion Primaries Pairings

Explanation: The character on the left side has the sorting of the heading and their love interest on the right side has the sorting in the parenthesis. Inside the square brackets is the piece of media the characters are from.

Lion/Lion (36):

Cordelia Chase {Lion/Lion} + Angel {Snake/Badger} [Angel]

Leia Organa {Lion/Lion} + Han Solo {Snake/Lion} [Star Wars]

Ron Weasley {Lion/Lion} + Hermione Granger {Lion/Bird} [Harry Potter]

Gale {Lion/Lion} + Katniss Everdeen {Snake/Lion} [Hunger Games}

Pocahontas {Lion/Lion} + John Smith {Badger/Lion} [Disney]

Petunia Dursley {Lion/Lion} + Vernon Dursley {Badger/Bird} [Harry Potter]

Chloe Decker {Lion/Lion} + Lucifer Morningstar {Badger/Snake} [Lucifer]

Thor {Lion/Lion} + Jane Foster {Bird/Lion} [MCU]

Lady Lucie {Lion/Lion} + Tristan Ballentin {Snake/Bird} [League of Extraordinary Women]

Rikki {Lion/Lion} + Zane {Snake/Lion} [H2O]

Emma Woodhouse {Lion/Lion} + Mr Knightley {Snake/Badger} [Emma]

Alanna {Lion/Lion} + George {Snake/Badger} [Song of the Lioness]

Tyler Lockwood {Lion/Lion} + Caroline Forbes {Snake/Lion} [TVD]

Alina Starkov {Lion/Lion} + Mal Oretsev {Snake/Badger} [Grishaverse]

Jesper Fahey {Lion/Lion} + Wylan van Eck {Lion/Bird} [Grishaverse]

Emily Gilmore + Richard Gilmore {Snake/Badger} [Gilmore Girls]

Cordelia Chase + Xander Harris {Lion/Badger} [BtVS]

Amanita + Nomi {Lion/Badger} [Sense 8]

Riley + Will {Badger/Bird} [Sense 8]

Lily Evans + James Potter {Snake/Lion} [Harry Potter]

Sophie + Howl {Badger/Snake} [Howls' Moving Castle (Book)]

Sophie + Howl {Lion/Lion} [Howls' Moving Castle (Film)]

Tenth Doctor {Lion/Lion} + Rose Tyler {Snake/Lion} [Doctor Who]

Anna {Lion/Lion} + Kristoff {Snake/Badger} [Disney]

Prince Naveen {Lion/Lion} + Tiana {Snake/Badger} [Disney]

Othello {Lion/Lion} + Desdemona {Snake/Badger} [Shakespeare]

Shahrzad {Lion/Lion} + Khalid {Snake/Lion} [The Wrath and the Dawn]

Audrey Rose Wadsworth {Lion/Lion} + Thomas Cresswell {Snake/Bird} [Stalking Jack the Ripper]

Matt Murdock/Daredevil {Lion/Lion} + Karen Page {Lion/Bird} [MCU]

Danny Rand/Iron Fist {Lion/Lion} + Colleen Wing {Bird/Badger} [MCU]

Annabelle Archer {Lion/Lion} + Sebastian Devereaux {Lion/Badger} [League of Extraordinary Women]

Laurel {Lion/Lion} + William {Bird/Badger} [This is Us]

Kat Stratford {Lion/Lion} + Patrick Verona {Snake/Snake} [10 Things I Hate About You]

Amy Pond {Lion/Lion} + Rory Williams {Snake/Badger} [Doctor Who]

Jon Snow {Lion/Lion} + Ygritte {Badger/Lion} [ASOIAF]

Lion/Snake (17):

Padme Amidala {Lion/Snake} + Anakin Skywalker {Snake/Lion} [Star Wars]

Drusilla {Lion/Snake} + Spike {Snake/Snake} [BtVS]

Jaime Lannister {Lion/Snake} + Brienne of Tarth {Badger/Lion} [GOT]

Rhett Butler {Lion/Snake} + Scarlett O'Hara {Snake/Lion} [Gone With the Wind]

Elizabeth Swann {Lion/Snake} + Will Turner {Badger/Lion} [Pirates of the Caribbean]

Princess Jasmine {Lion/Snake} + Aladdin {Snake/Snake} [Disney]

Lyra Belacqua {Lion/Snake} + Will Parry {Snake/Badger} [HDM]

Cosette {Lion/Snake} + Marius {Snake/Lion} [Les Miserables]

Wynonna Earp {Lion/Snake} + Dolls {Bird/Bird} [Wynonna Earp]

Wynonna Earp {Lion/Snake} + Doc Holliday {Snake/Snake} [Wynonna Earp]

Isabelle Lightwood {Lion/Snake} + Raphael Santiago {Bird/Badger} [Shadowhunters]

Lorelai Gilmore {Lion/Snake} + Luke Danes {Lion/Badger} [Gilmore Girls]

Elizabeth Swann {Lion/Snake} + James Norrington {Bird/Badger} [Pirates of the Caribbean]

Olivia {Lion/Snake} + Kevin Pearson {Badger/Badger} [This is Us]

Cleopatra {Lion/Snake} + Antony {Snake/Lion} [Shakespeare]

Jake Peralta {Lion/Snake} + Amy Santiago {Badger/Bird} [Brooklyn Nine-Nine]

Olivia Pope {Lion/Snake} + Fitz {Badger/Badger} [Scandal]

Lion/Bird (14):

Bruce Wayne/Batman {Lion/Bird} + Selina Kyle/Catwoman {Badger/Snake}

Hermione Granger {Lion/Bird} + Ron Weasley {Lion/Lion} [Harry Potter

Mulan {Lion/Bird} + Shang {Lion/Badger} [Disney]

Zoe Washburn {Lion/Bird} + Wash {Badger/Bird} [Firefly]

Lady Sybil {Lion/Bird} + Sam Vimes {Badger/Lion} [Discworld]

Ruby {Lion/Bird} + Sam Winchester {Snake/Lion} [SPN]

Rapunzel {Lion/Bird} + Flynn Rider/Eugene Fitzherbert {Snake/Snake} [Disney]

Jackson Whitmore {Lion/Bird} + Lydia Martin {Bird/Bird} [Teen Wolf]

Catherine {Lion/Bird} + Peter {Snake/Lion} [The Great]

Wylan van Eck {Lion/Bird} + Jesper Fahey {Lion/Lion} [Grishaverse]

Kala {Lion/Bird} + Wolfgang {Snake/Badger} [Sense 8]

Kala {Lion/Bird} + Rajan {Snake/Badger} [Sense 8]

Hera Syndulla {Lion/Bird} + Kanan Jarrus {Snake/Lion} [Star Wars]

Cinder {Lion/Bird} + Kai {Badger/Snake} [The Lunar Chronicles]

Lion/Badger (17):

Steve Rogers {Lion/Badger} + Peggy Carter {Lion/Lion} [MCU]

Steve Rogers {Lion/Badger} + Sharon Carter {Bird/Bird} [MCU]

Castiel {Lion/Badger} + Dean Winchester {Badger/Bird} [SPN]

Tom Branson {Lion/Badger} + Sybil Crawley {Badger/Lion} [Downton Abbey]

Dan Humphrey {Lion/Badger} + Serena van der Woodsen {Bird/Lion} [Gossip Girl]

Dan Humphrey {Lion/Badger} + Blair Waldorf {Snake/Badger} [Gossip Girl]

Eve {Lion/Badger} + Mazikeen {Snake/Lion} [Lucifer]

Leslie Knope {Lion/Badger} + Ben Wyatt {Bird/Bird} [Parks & Recreation]

Snow White/Mary Margarte {Lion/Badger} + Prince Charming/David {Badger/Lion} [Once Upon a Time]

Luke Danes {Lion/Badger} + Lorelai Gilmore {Lion/Snake} [Gilmore Girls]

Xander Harris {Lion/Badger} + Cordelia Chase {Lion/Lion} [BtVS]

Xander Harris {Lion/Badger} + Anya {Snake/Snake} [BtVS]

Nomi {Lion/Badger} + Amanita {Lion/Lion} [Sense 8]

Jem Carstairs {Lion/Badger} + Tessa Gray {Bird/Lion} [TID]

Michael Cordero +{Lion/Badger} Jane Villanueva {Badger/Bird} [Jane the Virgin]

Clay Morrow {Lion/Badger} + Gemma Teller {Badger/Snake} [Sons of Anarchy}

Castiel {Lion/Badger} + Meg Masters {Snake/Lion} [SPN]

Sebastian Devereaux {Lion/Badger} + Annabelle Archer {Lion/Lion} [League of Extraordinary Women]

# sortinghatchats# lion primary

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Tag game:

Comfort characters

@brightattheorpheum tagged me for this one. Thanks love!

I love lists, but with this one I came to realize I don't really have that many comfort characters 🤔😶😶 none of them are girls, and there's no diversity... I'm a lil disappointed in myself 😕 But it was still fun to ponder about, and I hope I'll discover some new ones in the near future!

Fred & George, Harry Potter (books)

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Stiles Stilinski, Teen Wolf

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Reggie Peters, Julie and the Phantoms

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Hoban "Wash" Washburne, Firefly

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Maes Hughes, Fullmetal Alchemist

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Hello-tag to @infp-with-all-the-feelings, @bookwormforalways, @heartbellamy, @nakey-cats-take-bathsss, @togetherkru and @useyourtelescope 👋🏼🧡 hope you're all having a great day!

# tag games# comfort characters# thanks for tagging me!# lovely mutuals 💕# i love lists

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[Horizontal rectangular graphic with a background of Central American-inspired decorative banding and a black horizontal band in the middle. Red, yellow, purple, and green text in the black band: "National Hispanic Heritage Month / A resource list from the Columbus State Library /".]

September 15-October 15 is National Hispanic Heritage Month! We've brought together some Library resources to help you research the stories and contributions of Hispanic Americans past and present.

Resource lists from the Columbus State Library can jump-start your research by suggesting useful databases, search terms, and items from our collection. Our databases and collection items are available exclusively to current Columbus State students and employees; authentication is required for access.

Books and Ebooks:

Encyclopedia Latina: History, Culture, and Society in the United States [print]

Hispanic Literature of the United States: A Comprehensive Reference, Nicolás Kanellos. [print]

U.S. Latino Issues, Rodolfo F. Acuña. [print]

El Coro: A Chorus of Latino and Latina Poetry, Martín Espada, ed. [ebook]

St. James Guide to Hispanic Artists: Profiles of Latino and Latin American Artists, Thomas Riggs, ed. [print]

Afro-Latin American Studies: An Introduction, Alejandro de la Fuente and George Reid Andrews, eds. [ebook]

Racial Migrations: New York City and the Revolutionary Politics of the Spanish Caribbean, Jesse E. Hoffnung-Garskof. The gripping history of Afro-Latino migrants who conspired to overthrow a colonial monarchy, end slavery, and secure full citizenship in their homelands. [ebook]

Latina Teachers: Creating Careers and Guarding Culture, Glenda M. Flores. How Latina teachers are making careers and helping students stay in touch with their roots. [ebook]

Women Warriors of the Afro-Latina Diaspora, Marta Moreno Vega, Marinieves Alba and Yvette Modestin, eds. Afro-Latina women relate their personal stories and advocacy for racial equality. [ebook]

Thriving in the Fight, Denise Collazo. This honest, practical, and inspirational book will help Latina activists to burn bright, not burn out. [ebook]

Latin Jazz: The Other Jazz, Christopher Washburne. [ebook]

Once Upon a Quinceañera: Coming of Age in the USA, Julia Alvarez. Explores this celebration that brings a Latina girl into womanhood. [print]

La Florida: Five Hundred Years of Hispanic Presence, Viviana Díaz Balsera and Rachel A. May, eds. Melds history, literature, anthropology, music, culture, and sociology to explore the Hispanic roots that run deep in Florida's past and present. [ebook]

Not sure where to start? Our Research Process guide breaks the process up into bite-size tasks.

Need research help or have a question about Library services? Current Columbus State students and employees can contact us via chat on our website, as well as by phone or email.

# hispanic heritage month# resource list# virtual display# columbus state community college

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Tagged by @badrituals to list 10 different female faves from 10 different fandoms, then tag 10 people!

In no particular order:

Merida of DunBroch (Brave)

Nyota Uhura (Star Trek TOS)

Princess Leia (Star Wars)

Mia Wallace (Pulp Fiction)

Zoë Washburne (Firefly)

Shuri (Black Panther)

Disgust (Inside Out)

Daria Morgendorffer (Daria)

Elle Woods (Legally Blonde)

Regina George (Mean Girls)

I tag (only if you want to do it!): @kristina710 @sheller @lhotsenuptsemassif @theanity @lulu-zodiac @cocklesheller @butmustwereally @thegandy @dean-cas-mixtape @queerfables

Happy Thursday beautifuls (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧

# melle interacts with people

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I Wrote My Own Deliverance

Chapter 8 out of 10

Alexander Hamilton is reborn as Alex Hambleton. He is desperate not to make the same mistakes twice, but it seems he is stuck in the narrative, unable to get out. Familiar faces pop up all around him as he attempts to keep his previous life a secret and write himself out of the story.

On AO3.

Ships: none

Warnings: guilt, mentions all te deaths in Alex's past and blackmail. Tell me if I missed anything or if you want me to tag something!!!


The Washburn Pamphlet

by A. Ham

This pamphlet is written by Alex Hambleton to deny all rumors surrounding a sexual relationship with Professor George Washburn, Columbia University.

As much as I had vowed to myself not to end up here, I find myself once more having to publicly air my secrets to save myself. This might be news for people surrounding me, for I don't go about telling everyone about my scandals of lives passed, it seems I have learned after all.

It is quite ironic that I am here once more for the sole reason of doing everything in my power not to be here.

And I could say that I am not.

Maybe I can claim that it is different, because I am denying the rumors and I am not in the wrong this time around. It is not even selfish motifs that caused me to reach for a quill, or, in this case, a keyboard.

But enough dancing around the topic.

I was aware that some people had thoughts and opinions about how I have gotten to where I am, but no one has had to audacity to come up and say them to my face with blackmail as motivation. Lets say I was quite surprised when James Richardson (no I will not be shying away from names) came up to me.

He told me that, unless I got Professor Washburn to pay him 20.000 dollars, the whole school would know how I fucked myself up the ladder by diving into bed with him each Sunday.

Seeing this was the first time I heard I was fucking him (Washburn had not been so kind to inform me, strangely enough), I was quite surprised. Although I have to admit that I cannot deny that I have been visiting the Washburn household each and every Sunday since the summer break, even going as far as to drive over to their summer home in Virginia.

Guilty as charged on that front.

Yes, I am confirming that this is true and I can understand how this feels more like a confession of guilt than the denial it is.

For you have to understand that you think in a too small time frame and in the wrong names. I have already said that I will not shy away from names in this pamphlet, so here I will drop the name of the person I have actually been seeing. I have been seeing George Washington, my General and President under whom I have served for many years back when I was known as Alexander Hamilton.

The time frame is not between the summer break and now, it is over two centuries ago when a great man saw my potential and helped me live up to it.

I am willing to go through the registration process to prove Professor Washington innocence, as well as my own, in the matter. I am also willing to do whatever is necessary to prove that I earned my spot in the accelerated track.

But this is the truth I can offer right now and I hope you will believe me on my word alone.

God knows I am aware that this sounds preposterous and outrageous, for why come out and tell you all now that I am a Founding Father when I could have done so without allegations that needed a story to be disproven?

Well, as everyone knows denying a rumor is the same as confirming it. And the truth is that I do not want to be Alexander Hamilton.

And why would I?

Why would I want to be that man. For all the musical tries to paint me as a hero, or misunderstood, I am so very aware that I did not deserve Elizas forgiveness. I know I threw away my shot the moment I didn't say no (forgive the reference).

However, it is not just that. I do not want to be the man that did not come to his friends aid in France, I do not want to be the man that cared more about himself than his wife and the abused woman he took advantage off.

Alex Hambleton left Alexander Hamilton behind at birth.

I took this life, my second chance, to be better. I do not wish to walk the same paths and bring down those around me in my misery and mistakes.

Yet here I am.

I took the liberty of finding comfort in the one person who I knew would not share my secret, whom I'd be safe with as I always have been. The home where I could be the entirety of me, a combination of the Founding Father I used to be and the loudmouth student I am now.

And now it is not just me who has to pay the price when people don't believe me. I tried so hard to write myself out of this story, to not make the same mistakes, but it seems that for all my trying I cannot stop being a death sentence for those around me.

My father still left, my mother held me again while she died, the moment I remembered who I was, was the moment I found my cousin dead. I did not want to believe that this would always be my life until the hurricane hit.

But there it was and it swept my hometown away with the waves and wind. My story is as set in stone and I, for all I claim to be an unstoppable force, cannot seem to move it.

Have you ever smelled death?

Have you ever looked around and seen bodies floating in the water and known that it was your fault?

It was my story that history forces to repeat, my story that caused the deaths of all those people and it is my story that forces a scandal into being and it is my inability to keep me from defending myself that makes me end up here.

Overwhelm them with honesty.

That is what my musical counterpart said and that is the footsteps in which I am walking once again. Though I hope that the small changes I have managed to make, will ensure that the results of my deeds will end up differently.

For those who knew me, I am sorry for the deceit. I hoped by not interacting, I would not pull you down with me once more. I do not wish my misfortune on you again.

But it is not for me that I seek your pity.

I am once more, begging strangers for kindness and understanding of my story. I hope you grant me this mercy and believe me, so that the one person who has always believed in me, no matter how much I did not, can keep his livelihood.

Let his story of success remain unchanged. Let him live his life in peace, knowing he did well and do not exile him in shame for crimes he did not commit.

Believe me not for my sake, but for his.

I could tell you stories of my past life in an attempt to prove myself to you. I could tell you about letters I wrote, words I said, people I loved and lost. I could tell you facts about myself that you can not verify, because I was the only person there to witness them.

But that will not do me any good.

So I write.

I write in the hope that you can find pity and understanding for the bastard, orphan, son of a whore that clung to the only rock, before the eye of hurricane had passed and he was swept up by forces of nature out of his control.

It is the only thing I can do.

I am not religious, yet here I am, praying on two knees to a God that has never listened to me, in the hope I have done enough to change the story I am stuck in.

However, I know my prayers have never been answered with anything but indifference.

Will my prayers be answered this time?

I do not count on it.

So, I will not ask you to pray for me. I will not allow myself to become a victim to lies and slander after I have worked so hard to be better than that person who was. I will not be threatened and blackmailed when I learned from my mistakes and I did not repeat that part.

Instead I ask you to pray for Washington as I am doing.

I ask you to pray for the kind soul that saw my potential and made sure that I could take one step closer to the future I wanted to achieve.

To pray for the man, who gave me shelter over the summer so that I would not be homeless. Pray for the man who gives me dinner one day of the week to ensure I do not starve. Pray for the man who let me read his recommendation letter an unnatural amount of times, so that I could ensure he only helped me based off the things I had achieved not his history with me, because he knew how important it is to me that I make my own spot in the world.

And I pray for his wife, Martha, whom I call Mama M, always have. Mama M, who has been there with open arms and soft words to fill a void that hadn't been filled in this life or the last, since I was twelve.

I no longer care for your perception of me. You can keep your thoughts to yourself and I can move unaffected by hateful words that have followed me both lifetimes. I am used to it and I do not care about your words.

However, I do care for the two people who cared about me when no one else did. When no one else knew to care.

My shoes have always been worn out from the running I have to do to keep up. I work because I know I am too much of a minority to make it anywhere in the world if I don't work thrice as hard as my peers.

Immigrant, Latino, bisexual, polyamorous, orphan, bastard.

These words have haunted me until I turned them into badges of honor and the only reason that is, is because I had a home to rest. A place to take of my shoes and get ready to face another day.

That place was the Washingtons home.

So, think of me what you want. Think me a liar who did not earn his place in the world, tell your friends how annoying I am and how you wish I had not made it through my hardships. I do not care for your opinion of me.

But keep them out of it, they do not deserve the slander of my presence for crimes they did not commit and rumors that are not true.

Be the change that prevents the tragedy of a history repeated.


Your obedient servant,


A. Ham

# RR writing# hamilton the musical# Hamitlon AU# hamilton# alexander hamilton# george washington# martha washington# james reynolds# tw: blackmail# tw: guilt# tw: death mention# tw: suicide mention

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Betty Jean Hitch age 82, of Edina, MN - died July 18, 2007. (survived by her friend of 55 years Gert Schaaf of Edina)

Hitch, Betty Jean age 82, of Edina, died July 18, 2007. Preceded in death by parents Horace & Edith; brother Horace Jr. and sister, Mary Anne Fields. Survived by brother, Allen Hitch of Edina; nephews, Gregory (Jane) of Scottsdale, AZ, Scott of Hopkins, Steve (Pam) Fields of Dubuque, IA, James (Tobey) Fields of UT, Peter (Wendy) of Minnetonka, Tom (Joanne) of Deephaven; nieces, Marcia of Stillwater, Susan (Mark) Vaniman of Windom, MN; and friend of 55 years, Gert Schaaf of Edina. Betty was a member of the first graduating class of Mpls Southwest H.S. in 1942. She also attended the U of M. Betty worked for Northwestern National Life, Camelback Inn - Phoenix, AZ, WCCO-TV, BBDO Inc., Carmicheal Lynch Inc., and Red Barron Inc., retiring in 1988. She was a kind and thoughtful person who never spoke an unkind or negative word about anyone. She accepted things, good or bad, as they came. Betty was a friend to many and to know her was to love her. Interment Lakewood Cemetery. Funeral service 11 AM Tuesday, July 24, with visitation one hour prior to the service, and also 5-8 PM Monday, July 23, all at: Washburn-McReavy Edina Chapel 952-920-3996 West 50th St. & Hwy 100 This obituary was originally published in the Star Tribune.

Comment by cardstumble (Randy Rankin): When I knew Betty back in 1977-80 Betty was the Media Director at BBDO and Gert was BBDO Office Genl Mgr. After our work at BBDo the 3 of us woudl sometimes go out for a drink. I must have visited Mpls a dozen times over the years sometimes for several days at a stretch to work with Betty and Gert. I remember Betty loved the Mary Tyler Moore Show and was proud to see Mpls feaatured on TV> Betty would have been 103 this year. - I was remembering Betty and Gert as I read today about the 1 year anniversary of May 24, 2021 of the killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis. Minneapolis seemed like such a different kind of place in 1970s. Such a civilized place compared to towns like NYC or Chicago or Detroit or LA. But all that has changed


Gertrude A. Schaaf

Schaaf, Gertrude A. "Gert" Age 85, of Edina, MN, died Dec. 17, 2009. Preceded in death by parents, Urban C. & Gertrude M. Schaaf; sister, Betty Bogucki; brother, Urban J. (Bud) Schaaf; and longtime friend, Betty Hitch. Survived by nieces, Anne Boran, Mary Egan, Joan Schaaf; nephews, Jack Bogucki (Chris), Jim Bogucki, Jim Schaaf (Debe), Tom Schaaf (Denise); and great nieces and nephews. Mass of Christian Burial 10:30 AM Tuesday at The Church of the Ascension, 1723 Bryant Ave N., Mpls. Private burial at St. Vincent's Cemetery, Osseo. Gearty-Delmore 763-537-4511Published on December 20, 2009

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Okay so like, I get that when most people hear the word "banjo," they think of a certain stereotypical niche country sound. Not only does that dismiss the technical skill, talent, expressivity, variety of styles, and beauty of banjo in that genre, but the perception limits how banjo can offer musicality in more genres than bluegrass. So I was like, "OKAY TIME TO MAKE A COMPILATION OF HOW BANJO CAN BE DIVERSE IN MUSIC!"

Still the tip of the iceberg and doesn't have everything I'd initially planned to include, but hope this is fun!

Artists, songs, and approximate genres below cut.

Flatt & Scruggs Shuckin' the Corn (1957) Bluegrass. Featuring Earl Scruggs, the man whose technical and unique banjo style revolutionized how the banjo was perceived and performed; the original bluegrass banjo player.

Joshua Bell and Béla Fleck Mazurka in F Sharp Minor, Op. 6, No. 1 (originally composed by Chopin) Classical.

The Native Howl Thunderhead (2016) Bluegrass thrash metal fusion.

Nitty Gritty Dirt Band All I Have To Do Is Dream (1975) Country rock.

Spiritual Seasons Star of the County Down (2010) Irish folk. Genre very approximate for this Ukrainian band, who pulls from English ballads and Irish folk and other influences and stuff.

Relient K The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything (2004) Pop-punk rock.

Gangstagrass Barnburning (2015) Bluegrass hip hop fusion.

Wu Fei & Abigail Washburn Weaving Medley: Busy Weaving / Julianne Johnson / Open Little Hand / Back Step Cindy (纺织忙 / 小开手) (2020) Chinese and American folk fusion. I prioritized showcasing the guzheng and banjo playing a duet. However, you should absolutely listen to more of these ladies' collaborations. You'll get them singing together in Chinese with the banjo accompanying them, or playing and singing two songs from opposite sides of the globe simultaneously.

Uncle Earl My Epitaph (2007) American old-time music.

Carolina Chocolate Drops Hit 'Em Up Style (2010) American old-time music. Definitely want to highlight this band, who as I understand the group showcase African-American old-time music with their own unique spins and some other genre influences.

Trampled By Turtles Wait So Long (2010) Indie folk.

Ricky Desktop The Banjo Beat (2020) Welcome to tiktok eheheehe.

Jim Robinson's Band with Creole George Gusnan (1961) New Orleans jazz. Banjo! is!! a!!! jazz!!!! instrument!!!!! Banjo was fairly common especially in early jazz. There was some cool banjo solo stuff earlier in this track, but I wanted to highlight how banjo works with brass instruments.

New Grass Revival Love Someone Like Me (1986) Progressive bluegrass.

The Earl Scruggs Revue The Swimming Song (1977) Country rock. Note the name, Earl Scruggs. The same man who invented the now "default" bluegrass banjo style switched genres to play with his sons. Genre here approximate. After getting put in the bluegrass "niche" and wishing more variety for the banjo, Earl was pretty upfront about not putting this band in a strict label.

Béla Fleck with the Nashville Symphony The Impostor (2011) Classical. Banjo and orchestra concerto? BANJO CONCERTO.

The Chieftains (with others) Give the Fiddler A Dram (2002) Celtic and country fusion.

Relient K Which To Bury, Us Or The Hatchet (2004) Pop-punk rock.

Jake Blount Goodbye, Honey, You Call That Gone (2020) American old-time music. Wanted to end with Blount, who foregrounds the experiences of racial minorities and LGBTQ in his old-time folk music, and whose banjo music harks back to how the instrument used to be played more commonly. Note the underlying African sound: banjo was developed in the Americas by slaves who came from West Africa.

# intentionally didn't do much straight bluegrass at all because like.... that's the usual thing you presume it as# so I went for the things you DIDN'T presume it as# like 'how about a banjo that accompanies a woman singing in Chinese?'# btw I just included an instrumental part for that [sigh] I wanted to get the guzheng more than the lyrics in the end# feel free to poke me and I'll chat more about anything here# like there's some MAJOR cool stuff behind lots of these# Jake Blount and Carolina Chocolate Drops and Gangstagrass and The Chieftains with their Nashville Sessions# tried to stay as brief as motherfuckering possible here# wanted to include Punch Brothers and The Dead South and Don Reno and Ralph Stanley and Bill Keith and some Japanese and Czech groups and..# also I'm cracking the fuck up how much Bela Fleck Abigail Washburn and Earl Scruggs stuff in here I accidentally included in here# I WAS TRYING TO BE DIVERSE NOT HONE ONTO THESE THREE BANJO PICKERS# oh shit and Nefesh Mountain I was thinking about them too# Playlist# General Banjo Business# audio compilations

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So whose job was it to cast all those redshirts (and stunt people)  we celebrate here? Who figured out which actors were needed for each scene, which extras needed to be hired (and how much they would get paid)  and which props were needed for each scene as it was filmed, in addition to the distributing copies of the scripts to all and sending them updated scripts as needed along with what time everything had to be in place for the cameras? All of these duties and more are usually the job of the second assistant director. The Star Trek set (and those of most television series) needed more than just the main director or even the first assistant because several scenes were usually being filmed at the same time. One of the most personable and popular second assistant directors who worked on the set of The Original Series was a young man by the name of Charlie Washburn. He was also known as "Charlie Star Trek" because one of his duties was to answer the phone on the set. When it rang, he crisply answered "Star Trek - Charlie!" The crew began calling him Charlie Star Trek and it stuck as long as he worked there.  The Tennessee native originally wanted to break into writing advertisements. During the the two year program he had entered in Milwaukee, he happened to take a course in television. Charlie became fascinated with all the details of a director's work and decided that was a far more interesting field. Even though he first began looking for work in television in Chicago and New York (more about that later), he eventually decided to come to Hollywood and enter the Directors Guild program and was accepted.

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But before he could graduate, he had to served as an apprentice on an actual set. Luckily for Charlie, he was hired as a trainee on Star Trek for the second season.  During his trainee period, he worked under assistant director. (Shapiro had previously worked on My Favorite Martian where he met Billy Blackburn and later he brought him on board The Original Series). Charlie enjoyed Tiger's sense of humor and learned a lot about making personal connections with both the cast and the crew in addition to all the other duties a second assistant director needed to master. Tiger allowed him to gradually take over more and more of his duties as long as Charlie cleared any changes first. He ended his apprenticeship with over  400 hours of training.

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Charlie Washburn graduated at the top of his class, so he did not have any trouble finding work. Star Trek immediately hired him back as a second assistant director. As mentioned previously, the show always needed two second assistant directors so Washburn was able to work alongside his former mentor, Tiger Shapiro, during the third season.

D.C. Fontana interviewed Washburn and another production crew member for an article for Inside Star Trek. Charlie provided many details about his work that he enjoyed, but he said one of the duties he dreaded were the firings. The decision was not his of course, but would get handed down from the producer's office and it was up to one of the assistant directors to handle the firings professionally. Charlie was involved in the aftermath of the firing of one of the Earp brothers on the set of " Spectre of the Gun." Even though someone else had already informed the agent and the actor of the situation, that meant they had to hire a replacement and that was one of the duties of the directors team. When the new actor appeared on the set, Charlie realized he knew him and helped him make the transition as smooth as possible. Although he never mentioned the name of the actor himself, it was later disclosed by Memory Alpha that it was Rex Holman, who played Morgan Earp.

He was always proud of the relationships he had on the set, from the directors on down to the stage hand and electrical workers. Charlie was known and loved by everyone for both his courteous manner and his professionalism. In an article that appeared on the Directors Guild online quarterly newsletter, he was quoted as saying -

 "Not a single day passed by that I didn't greet every single crew member by name and ask about their families," he shares. "I'm proud to say I was the first AD to be goosed by an electrician on Star Trek when I was up on the rigging one day putting together the call sheet. After it happened, [gaffer] George Merhoff smiled and said: 'Hey, Charlie. Now you're part of the group.'"

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For the same Inside Star Trek article, Washburn submitted one of the call sheets he had written up for a scene in "Plato's Stepchildren." This gives the readers an inside look at how much attention to detail a second assistant director had to have as he read the script each day. He needed to be able to anticipate who was needed when and where they needed to be, including make-up call times. Notice since Nimoy, Doohan, and Nichols were the ones who had to be in makeup the earliest, there is a notation in the special instructions that they will be given breakfast that morning. If anyone in the main crew or the guest star had to be on the set at or earlier than 7:30 a.m., that meal was provided. Speaking of breakfasts, providing them (and sometimes delivering them in person)  to designated actors was one of Charlie's duties as a second assistant director. And he had a funny story for that article about the particularly large one that Bill Shatner always ordered. It seems that in contrast to the usual order of one or two eggs, toast or maybe just yogurt, Shatner's standing order consisted of two scrambled eggs, bacon, grapefruit, wheat toast and a large orange juice. Evidently, unit manager Greg Peters was trying to contain unnecessary costs as much as possible. When he saw the size of that order as compared those of the other cast members,  his immediate question was why did Bill need that much for breakfast? Charlie told him there was no way he was going to ask Shatner that question but Greg was welcome to try. And of course, Peters was as reluctant as Charlie was to ask, so he dropped it.  But Charlie knew the real reason. Shatner ate the toast and drank the orange juice, his wardrobe man was given the half grapefruit. The rest? That went to his Doberman. Imagine Greg Peters' reaction if he only knew.

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Charles Washburn and Nichelle Nichols were hired during the tumultuous period of the Civil Rights movement of the 60s and the expansion of opportunities for minorities was in its infancy.  Charlie often mentioned in interviews that when he first started working for Star Trek in 1967, there were only three black people who were usually on the Desilu set.  Himself, Nichelle Nichols, and the guy who ran a food truck in the morning and shined shoes on the lot in the afternoon.  Even though he claimed he rarely saw racism on any of the sets he worked on after graduation, Washburn admits it did exist during his time growing up in Tennessee. And an incident in Chicago when he first began looking for AD related work also illustrates the racial bias of the times did not only exist in the South. Some production friends encouraged him to apply for an opening at an NBC affiliate because he was told they were specifically looking for a black in the control room.  With high hopes, he went in for an interview, but never heard back. Months later, he called one of those production friends to find out if the job had been filled.  He was told no one had been hired. The studio just wanted to be able to say they were encouraging blacks to apply. That was the impetus for his move to Hollywood and his application to the Directors Guild program.  Charlie distinguished himself as the first African American to apply and graduate from the program.

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Charlie even has a Trek crewman named after him. In "The Doomsday Machine," we see Lt. Washburn (the science officer above) as part of the landing party investigating what happened to the Constellation. He and two others ran a structural and control damage analysis of the disabled ship, then he was the one who delivered the report to Scotty and Kirk.  Coincidentally, Richard Compton (who played Washburn) directed The Next Generation episode "Haven" with Washburn as his first assistant director.

In the latter part of Star Trek's third season, Charlie received an offer to work on a movie in Jamaica. If he were to  stay on until the end of the season, he would miss out. He did the honorable thing and told Gene about the choice he had to make. Gene encouraged him to take the movie offer with his blessings.  He told Charlie that if he really thought Star Trek would be renewed for the fourth season, he would not have done so. Gene graciously thanked him for all his contributions.

But his contributions to Star Trek did not end there. Years later, Washburn was one of the production people asked for by Gene Roddenberry to work on his new series, The Next Generation. He served as a first assistant director during the first season. Washburn stayed connected to Star Trek even later, although it was an unofficial Trek fan production. He was hired to work on James Cawley's Star Trek: New Voyages as the first assistant director of the double episode Blood and Fire which was written by David Gerrold.

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After The Original Series ended and his work on that film was finished, Charles Washburn was hired for The Bill Cosby Show as a second assistant director for 19 episodes, then as first assistant director for 16 more. Other TV shows he worked for as a first assistant director were Vega$ (9 episodes) and of course, the previously mentioned Star Trek: The Next Generation.

Charles Washburn also found steady work on movie sets as either a second or first assistant director,  including such well known films as Dirty Harry, Sounder, Lady Sings the Blues, and Uptown Saturday Night (as seen above with Sidney Poitier). He was a unit manager for 6 episodes of McMillan and Wife and 2 of The Six Million Dollar Man as well as for the movies Bustin' Loose and Fly Away Home. Charlie also was the associate producer for one episode of Get Christie Love! He even had a few acting roles squeezed into movies or TV shows he worked with. He was a Papuan in one of his earliest movies, Skullduggery (where he also appeared with Roger C. Carmel) and an intern in Dirty Harry.

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But remember his ultimate goal was to be a director. Yet, for all his experience, he never achieved this position. Washburn explained in the Inside Star Trek article that even though it was possible for second assistant directors like him to eventually advance to be an assistant director and then be hired eventually as a director, that was not the only path. Actors often used their own experiences and their relationships to their directors to learn how directing was done. And if someone were highly acclaimed as an actor, name recognition would open many opportunities to leave acting and to immediately begin directing. So progressing from second assistant to first assistant director did not guarantee that person would be hired as a director.

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Charlie's last years were spent at the Screen Actor's Home in a small apartment. His good friend Larry Nemecek helped him move. But Charlie stayed as active as possible, considering his kidney dialysis treatments. He organized screenings and shows for the residents there as long as he could. But Charlie lost his battle with kidney disease at age 73.  Larry Nemecek wrote a very nice memorial article on his blog, complete with some personal photos. Ten months later, Larry Nemecek was contacted by the people responsible for the memorial reel at the Oscars. He handed over all the personal photos he had of Charles Washburn.  However since this was for the Oscars, nothing from the years of his work on Star Trek was mentioned. The team decided to use a short clip from Lady Sings the Blues where Charlie was the assistant director and a photo Larry sent in of Charlie sitting at his desk, overflowing with papers and other mementos. The above photo is a clip from that tribute.

# Star Trek TOS# Charlie Washburn# Behind the scenes# Directing

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thank you @hanniba1​ and @fairytalegay​ for tagging me!!!!!!!!!!!

rules: tag people you wanna get to know better! this is like SO long so im putting it under a read more thing

your name and then what you would have named yourself: my name is sara but i also use bille which means beetle in danish i just Dont wanna b called billy in english lmao

astrological sign (sun/moon/rising if you know them): leo

when did you join tumblr and why?: uhhhh i joined wayy back in like 2011 i really dont remember why specifically but this account i made like ?2 ?months ago?? cus of the hannibal reunion stream and i wanted to like join the community again🥺🥺🥺

top 5 fandoms: in my experience every fandom is awful if ure in it long enough

top 5 favourite films: omg idk but 5 movies i really LIKE are mother (2009), monos (2017), oldboy (2003), zappa (1983), ginger snaps (2000)

go to song when you wanna Feel something: george michael - you have been loved

what's your religion or faith if you have one?: im not faithful but the religion i feel closest to is probably norse paganism?

a song that makes you feel seen: caramelldansen

if you could have any career: i think it would be very fun to be a full-time taxidermist but i would only wanna do animals that had died of natural causes or like car accidents and whatevr

do you have a type?: uhhhhh women

what does your heart/soul yearn for: feeling useful?

if you had to describe yourself in 5 words to someone who doesn't know you: excitable, opinionated, observant, flamboyant, pragmatic

favourite subjects in school: i mean obvsly arts but i also like chemistry now that im literally having it for the first time at age 20

where does your soul feel most at home: surrounded by quiet and nature and rain

top 5 fictional characters: MY HEAD IS EMPTYYY IDONT KNOW UHHH SPOCK? from star trek? VARRIC FROM DRAGON AGE!!!! hoban washburne from firefly...........hannibal.....ME

top 3 moments in a show that made you ugly cry: season 2 finale of buffy, ending of star trek II twok, uhhhhhh idk i dont ugly cry a lot i guess ive cried to mizumono at some point?

the earth, the sun, the moon or the stars: the earth

favourite kind of weather: i LOOOOVE a good thunderstorm i love rain i love misty weather i HATE like really warm sunny weather it makes me feel ill i think my preferred weather for being outside in would be like kinda cold but ure not shivering in a t-shirt and then like light rain? i really like rain

top 3 characters you kin with: data from star trek, bones from bones, uhh jimmy price from hannibalDFKSYUYFKY

favourite medium of art: to do? digital art

introvert/extrovert/ambivert: introvert??? i guess??

a favourite literary quote: idk man im not like a quotes type person at all

some of your favourite books: best served cold by joe abercrombie, a bright red scream by marilee strong, and like idk i really like the hobbit by tolkien lol

if you could live anywhere in the world where would it be?: hmm maybe sme place with more nature cus i live in the city but still denmark

if you could live in any time in history when would it be?: take away the fact that im a lesbian ive always thought id make a really good monk like just spend my time transcribing books and making funky margins and keeping a strict routine

if you could play any instrument masterfully it would be: boring answer is drums but i think itd b real funky to master like the harp or smtg

if you have one, what mythological god or goddess do you feel a connection to: bro i have no idea i feel way more connected to fucked up little monsters and trolls than i do gods and goddesses

and lastly, favourite recent selfie in your camera roll: i like dont take a lot of selfies this is the best recent one i got where im not like mid-breakdown 😭😭😭😭😭IDONT KNOW WHY ITS SO CLOSE I HAD LIKE 3 AND THEY WERE ALL THAT CLOSE

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if u wanna do this just say i tagged u 😭👊


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• Kirk Paul Alma Attorney 125 E 300 S Provo, UT 84606 • Robert Henry Copier 17 E 400 S Salt Lake City, UT 84111 • Shand Bruce W Attorney 4505 Wasatch Blvd, #340 Salt Lake City, UT 84124 • Rudd Jonathan Attorney 392 E 12300 S Draper, UT 84020 • Halliday Paul M Attorney – Halliday Paul M 3986 Lares Way Salt Lake City, UT 84124 • A Better Choice 140 W 9000 S Sandy, UT 84070 • Paulsen Ted B Attorney 9350 S 150 E Sandy, UT 84070 • Jackson J Bryan Attorney 97 N Main St Cedar City, UT 84720 • Law Office of Ron J Kramer 11576 S State St, #501 Draper, UT 84020 • Deboer Gordon W Attorney at Law 69 Thaynes Canyon Dr Park City, UT 84060 • Atkin J Ralph Attorney 1240 E 100 S #10 Kanab, UT 84790 • Harmond George M Jr Attorney 1198 W 1500 N Price, UT 84501 • Jones Tom Criminal Attorney 211 E Broadway Salt Lake City, UT 84111 • Ellis Dean B Attorney 3600 Market St, Ste 101 Salt Lake City, UT 84119 • Egan- Sean N. Attorney 136 S Main St, #408 Salt Lake City, UT 84101 • Skeen Richard C Attorney 201 S Main St, Ste 1100 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 • Fishburn Bryan Attorney 4505 Wasatch Blvd Salt Lake City, UT 84124 • Professional Offices 5450 Green St Salt Lake City, UT 84123 • McBride Edward W Attorney 2749 Parleys Way, #300 Salt Lake City, UT 84109 • Utah Bankruptcy Professionals P C 9217 S 1300 E Sandy, UT 84094 • Bucher John R Attorney 957 1st Ave Salt Lake City, UT 84103 • Bartholomew WYNN 5505 S 900 E Salt Lake City, UT 84117 • Feil Randall S Attorney 3748 Bountiful Blvd Bountiful, UT 84010 • Jaenish Michael Attorney 150 S 600 E Salt Lake City, UT 84102 • Havas David Bert 533 26th St, Ste 100 Ogden, UT 84401 • Larry Long Attorney 350 W Broadway Salt Lake City, UT 84101 • Schlopy Max PC Attorney 3429 Saddleback Rd Park City, UT 84098 • Multi Cultural Legal Center 205 N 400 W Salt Lake City, UT 84103 • Phinney Law Firm 1055 S 545 E Orem, UT 84097 • Schwab & Hardcastle LLC 225 S 200 W Farmington, UT 84025 • Larsen & Rammell Attorneys at Law 3600 S Market St, #100 Salt Lake City, UT 84119 • Anderson- L Robert Attorney 17 Blue Mountain Dr Monticello, UT 84535 • Pearce Brett Attorney 1218 W South Jordan Pky South Jordan, UT 84095 • Jamis Johnson Johnson & Associates 352 Denver St Salt Lake City, UT 84111 • John C Heath Attorney at Law PLLC 634 S 400 W Salt Lake City, UT 84101 • Legalees 556 E 1400 S Orem, UT 84097 • Robert J Debry and Associates 4252 S 700 E Salt Lake City, UT 84107 • Kipp Blake P Attorney 825 E 4800 S, Ste 133 Salt Lake City, UT 84107 • Second Opinion Executive Business Assistance Po Box 11586 Salt Lake City, UT 84147 • McGee Mary Paxman 1855 Brookhill Dr Salt Lake City, UT 84121 • Cragun Dan Law Offices Of 2608 Washington Blvd Ogden, UT 84401 • Karlin Myers Attorney 60 N 100 W St Kanab, UT 84770 • Bullock- Clinton J Attorney 353 E Broadway Salt Lake City, UT 84111 • King Samuel Attorney 3189 Joyce Dr Salt Lake City, UT 84109 • Parry Edwin Attorney 3782 W 2340 S Salt Lake City, UT 84120 • Pre-Paid Legal Independent Associate 15366 Silverpoint Cir Bluffdale, UT 84065 • Woolley Chad L Attorney at Law 78 E 100 S Payson, UT 84651 • Rose Reilly Attorney at Law 81 N 300 E Moab, UT 84532 • Adams Stanley Attorney at Law 680 E 600 S Salt Lake City, UT 84102 • Buckley John W Attorney at Law 3311 N University Ave Provo, UT 84604 • Swindler & Co. 1743 Horizon View Ct Draper, UT 84020 • Mangum & Holt 251 W Main St Vernal, UT 84078 • Matthews- Elaine Moore Attorney 649 Mi Vida Dr Moab, UT 84532 • Law Office of David Pedrazas 4001 S 700 E, #500 Salt Lake City, UT 84107 • Hughes & Morley Law Practice Attorney 21 E 300 N Spanish Fork, UT 84660 • Roth Linda L W Attorney 215 S State St, #800 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 • Chacon Solomon Attorney 945 E 100 S Salt Lake City, UT 84102 • Martin Mel S Attorney 5286 Commerce Dr Salt Lake City, UT 84107 • Fund Raising Counsel Inc Po Box 58605 Salt Lake City, UT 84158 • Adams William H Attorney 170 S Main St, Ste 1125 Salt Lake City, UT 84101 • Davies Christopher A Attorney 7651 Main St, #107 Midvale, UT 84047 • A Plus Accident & Injury Attorney 290 25th St, Ste 204 Ogden, UT 84401 • Macfarlane Grant Attorney 35 50 E Coalville, UT 84017 • Alpine Residential Mortgage LLC 141 E 5600 S Salt Lake City, UT 84107 • Gubler Scott A Attorney 1414 E 3850 S St George, UT 84790 • Law Office of Stephen Elggren 7390 Creek Rd, #201 Sandy, UT 84047 • Shaggy's Living Room 155 W 200 S Salt Lake City, UT 84101 • Morrison Heather E Attorney 4276 Highland Dr Salt Lake City, UT 84124 • Frazier Law Firm PC 11778 Election Rd Draper, UT 84020 • Daniels Scott Attorney Po Box 521328 Salt Lake City, UT 84152 • John H Jacobs PC 75 N Center St American Fork, UT 84003 • Vance Ronald N Attorney 57 W 200 S, Suite 310 Salt Lake City, UT 84101 • Argue Pearson Harbison & Myers- LLP 10 W Broadway, #500 Salt Lake City, UT 84101 • Bouwhuis Michael Attorney 2564 Washington Blvd Ogden, UT 84401 • ABC 4 News Southern Utah Bureau 205 E Tabernacle St St George, UT 84770 • Family Law Practice 150 S 600 E, #8c Salt Lake City, UT 84102 • Berry & Tripp P C 1150 S Bluff St, #8 St George, UT 84770 • Stratton Keven 1313 E 800 N Orem, UT 84097 • Nakamura Blake A LLC 142 E 200 S Salt Lake City, UT 84111 • Essig Fred D Attorney 36 S State St, Ste 1250 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 • Hanna Charles Attorney 311 S State St, Ste 450 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 • Peterson & Simpson 2115 Dallin St Salt Lake City, UT 84109 • SMAY E Craig Attorney 174 E South Temple St Salt Lake City, UT 84111 • Allen- Randall C. Attorney 415 N Main St, #303 Cedar City, UT 84721 • Gould Mark H Attorney 1050 E 3300 S Salt Lake City, UT 84106 • Steffensen David W Attorney 448 E Winchester St Salt Lake City, UT 84107 • Barton-Coombs Cindy Attorney 193 N State St Roosevelt, UT 84066 • Lindberg Neil 13692 Hackamore Dr Draper, UT 84020 • Dodenbier Robert F Law Offices Of 12357 S 450 E Draper, UT 84020 • Hoskins Katherine Attorney 857 Meadow Way Dr Layton, UT 84041 • Hillyard Anderson & Olsen Attorneys 175 E 100 N Logan, UT 84321 • Richman & Richman LLC 60 S 600 E, #100 Salt Lake City, UT 84102 • Noyes Ron Attorney 746 E 1910 S Provo, UT 84606 • Jensen Michael R Attorney at Law 90 W 100 N Price, UT 84501 • Peck Elizabeth M 134 S 700 W Salt Lake City, UT 84104 • Thomas Tax & Law 220 Morris Ave Salt Lake City, UT 84115 • H Otco 4516 Mathews Way Salt Lake City, UT 84124 • EDER Robert Jr Attorney at Law 565 E 4500 S Salt Lake City, UT 84107 • Dunn Clifford V Attorney 170 N 400 E St George, UT 84770 • LY VINH K 2900 S State St, Ste 208 Salt Lake City, UT 84115 • Taylor Jay W Attorney 8160 Highland Drive Ofc Sandy, UT 84093 • Novak Joseph Attorney 960 Donner Way Salt Lake City, UT 84108 • Redd F Bennion Attorney 132 S Main St Monticello, UT 84535 • Warner Frank S Attorney 3564 Lincoln Ave Ogden, UT 84401 • D'Elia & Lehmer 7620 Royal St Park City, UT 84060 • Harmon Milton T Attorney 36 S Main St Nephi, UT 84648 • Saunders & Saunders Attorneys 401 Main St Park City, UT 84060 • G Eric Nielson & Associates 4790 Holladay Blvd Salt Lake City, UT 84117 • Holmes Douglas J Attorney 274 25th St Ogden, UT 84401 • Utah Valley Patent Svc 846 S 1350 E Provo, UT 84606 • Vanwagenen Michael Attorney at Law Esquire 1505 S Redwood Rd Salt Lake City, UT 84104 • Harris L James Jr Attorney 214 E 500 S Salt Lake City, UT 84111 • Carver David Ray Attorney 93 S Main St Kaysville, UT 84037 • Grant & Grant PC 420 E South Temple St Salt Lake City, UT 84111 • Thomas Jonathan P 31 Federal Ave Logan, UT 84321 • Hawkins Boyd J Attorney 459 N 300 W Kaysville, UT 84037 • Magid Sydney Jayne Attorney 136 S Main St #820 Salt Lake City, UT 84101 • BEUS Edwin H Attorney at Law 1440 Granada Dr Sandy, UT 84093 • Snow Legal Centers 105 E State Rd Pleasant Grove, UT 84062 • Guglielmo Paul Attorney 68 S Main St Salt Lake City, UT 84101 • Utah Legal Services 893 24th St Ogden, UT 84401 • Fairbourn Clayton Attorney 7321 S State St Midvale, UT 84047 • Carolyn Attorney at Law Degroff 24 N Main St Kanab, UT 84741 • McHenry Samuel Attorney 672 E Vine St Salt Lake City, UT 84107 • Fisher Darwin Law Office 40 N 300 E St George, UT 84770 • Jensen Jonathan K Attorney 4849 S State St Murray, UT 84107 • Jaussi Clair J Attorney at Law 350 E Center St, Ste 2 Provo, UT 84606 • Meyers Oliver K Attorney 265 E 100 S, #300 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 • Sackett Gary G Attorney 180 East 100 South Salt Lake City, UT 84139 • Ormond William R Attorney 3354 Harrison Blvd Ogden, UT 84403 • Besendorfer Mark Attorney 942 E North Union Ave Midvale, UT 84047 • ZOLL & Tycksen LC Attorneys at Law 5300 S Green St, #360 Murray, UT 84123 • Savage J Bruce Jr Attorney at Law 1821 Sidewinder Dr Park City, UT 84060 • Brown Don Attorney Courthouse Richfield, UT 84701 • Mathews Dennis Attorney 55 N Main St Logan, UT 84321 • Lewis Kay M Attorney 320 S 300 E Salt Lake City, UT 84111 • Carmicheal Larrie Attorney 975 E 6600 S Ogden, UT 84405 • Wall & Wall Attorney 5200 Highland Dr Salt Lake City, UT 84117 • Moffat Stephen Attorney 452 E 3900 S Salt Lake City, UT 84107 • All-Search & Inspection Inc 1108 E South Union Ave Midvale, UT 84047 • Don R. Schow Attorney at Law 4059 S 4000 W West Valley City, UT 84120 • Christensen Steve S Attorney 136 E South Temple St Salt Lake City, UT 84111 • Taylor Margret Sidwell Attorney 147 S Main St Helper, UT 84526 • Cannon- Karl R. Attorney 1225 Fort Union Blvd, #300 Cottonwood Heights, UT 84121 • Berry Andrew B Attorney 35 W Main St Mt Pleasant, UT 84647 • Chrystler Gary L Attorney 363 N University Ave Provo, UT 84601 • Maw- Barbara L. Attorney 515 E 100 S, #525 Salt Lake City, UT 84102 • Jones Kyle W Attorney 36 S State St, Ste 1200 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 • Homer Stephen G Attorney 9225 S Redwood Rd West Jordan, UT 84088 • Jacques Bruce A Attorney 3194 S 1100 E Salt Lake City, UT 84106 • King- Brian S. Attorney 336 S 300 E, #200 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 • Beshear Law Center 2679 Builders Dr Salt Lake City, UT 84118 • Beecroft Joseph N Attorney 2655 Hillside Pines Cir Salt Lake City, UT 84109 • Cook David S Attorney 85 W 400 S Bountiful, UT 84010 • Dew Lindsey Phillip Attorney 7660 Holden St Midvale, UT 84047 • Rouse Morna Bowman Attorney at Law Po Box 369 Park City, UT 84060 • Laurence Arthur Bruce National 621 S 1360 W Logan, UT 84321 • Gardner Development 4120 Highland Dr, Ste 100 Salt Lake City, UT 84124 • Rasmussen Thomas V 4659 Highland Dr Salt Lake City, UT 84117 • Brown- Jennifer A. Attorney 136 S Main St Salt Lake City, UT 84101 • Hines Dane L Attorney 524 W 300 N #103 Provo, UT 84601 • Bailey Steven R Attorney 2454 Washington Blvd Ogden, UT 84401 • Cutler Nicholas W 265 E 100 S, Ste 250 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 • Daines Chris Lawyer 135 N Main St Logan, UT 84321 • Jackman Frederick A 1327 S 800 E, Ste 110 Orem, UT 84097 • Palmer L Paul Attorney 3646 Wendell Dr Salt Lake City, UT 84115 • Liapis & Gray LC 175 W 200 S Salt Lake City, UT 84101 • Public Defender OFC – Felony Division- Misdemeanor Division 424 E 500 S, Ste 300 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 • Hutchison Richard C Attorney 111 W 200 S Farmington, UT 84025 • Hatch Denton M PC 128 W 900 N Spanish Fork, UT 84660 • Lunt- Larry V Attorney 275 E South Temple St Salt Lake City, UT 84111 • Boley Mikel M Attorney 3535 S 3200 W Salt Lake City, UT 84119 • Bearnson & Peck LC 74 W 100 N Logan, UT 84321 • Tina Lefgren Attorney 200 W Parrish Ln Centerville, UT 84014 • Spratling Ronald N Jr Attorney 2020 Murray Holladay Rd Salt Lake City, UT 84117 • Janerich Dwight Attorney at Law 4764 S 900 E Salt Lake City, UT 84117 • County of Salt Lake – Aging Services-Administration- Legal Services 205 W 400 S Salt Lake City, UT 84101 • Taylor- Nolan S. Attorney 170 S Main St, #900 Salt Lake City, UT 84101 • Henrie Gary R Attorney 1200 S State St, #215 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 • Herron Nathan V Attorney 935 E South Union Ave Midvale, UT 84047 • Hartman Eric P Attorney 2558 Wilshire Cir Salt Lake City, UT 84109 • Utah Legal Services Inc 965 S Main St, #3 Cedar City, UT 84720 • Law Student 2052 Wilmington Ave Salt Lake City, UT 84109 • Lange Jennifer L Attorney 60 E South Temple St, #1270 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 • Lundgren Alvin R Attorney 5015 Old Highway Rd Morgan, UT 84050 • Hamilton Keith N Attorney at Law 10168 S Redwood Rd South Jordan, UT 84095 • Dixon Truman Bangerter & Fisher 192 E 200 N #203 Kanab, UT 84770 • J Franklin Allred P C 4047 Highway 36 Tooele, UT 84074 • Hatch Joseph E Attorney 5295 Commerce Dr Salt Lake City, UT 84107 • Watkins Kevin Attorney 3 Triad Centre Salt Lake City, UT 84180 • Archuleta Robert M 333 Denver St Salt Lake City, UT 84111 • Wansker- Henry B. Attorney 4543 S 700 E, Ste 101 Salt Lake City, UT 84107 • Millard County – Attorney Po Box 545 Delta, UT 84624 • Speciale George H Attorney 39 Exchange Pl, #200 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 • Boyer Associates LLC 2545 N Canyon Rd Provo, UT 84604 • Gregersen Mark J Attorney 3855 S 500 W Salt Lake City, UT 84115 • Card Scott Attorney 39 W 300 N Provo, UT 84601 • Frandsen Richard B Attorney 7109 Highland Dr, Ste 204 Salt Lake City, UT 84121 • Marshall- Ward S. Attorney 135 N 900 E #5 Kanab, UT 84770 • JAX H Pettey Attorney at Law 9488 Union Sq Sandy, UT 84070 • Bartlett & Webster A PC Attorneys 5093 S 1500 W Ogden, UT 84405 • Johnson David W Attorney at Law 301 W 5400 S, #104 Murray, UT 84107 • Holdsworth David J 9125 Monroe St Sandy, UT 84070 • Clayton Grant R Pat Attorney 10117 S 2165 E Sandy, UT 84092 • Walstad & Babcock 57 W South Temple, Fl 8th Salt Lake City, UT 84101 • Fisher- Kulaniakea Attorney 10653 S River Front Pky, #150 South Jordan, UT 84095 • Urry Pamela C Attorney 136 S Main St, #221 Salt Lake City, UT 84101 • Weber County Public Defenders Association 2568 Washington Blvd, Ste 203 Ogden, UT 84401 • Rick S Lundell PC 136 S Main St, #200a Salt Lake City, UT 84101 • Johnson Blain Attorney at Law 3434 Washington Blvd Ogden, UT 84401 • Walsh John Attorney at Law 2319 Foothill Dr, Ste 270 Salt Lake City, UT 84109 • Roundy Thor B Attorney 448 E 400 S Salt Lake City, UT 84111 • Neff R Bradley Attorney 9730 S 700 E Sandy, UT 84070 • Friel David Attorney 2875 Decker Lake Dr Salt Lake City, UT 84119 • Carr & Waddoups 8 E Broadway, Ste 609 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 • Rushton Kenneth A Attorney 99 W Main St, Ste 208 Lehi, UT 84043 • Packard Packard & Johnson 2795 E Cottonwood Pky, #600 Salt Lake City, UT 84121 • Buhler- Stephen J. Attorney 3540 S 4000 W, #245 West Valley City, UT 84120 • Hayes Michael Z Attorney 300 E 3900 S, #2118 Salt Lake City, UT 84107 • Richards Kevin G Attorney 2671 Foothill Dr Ogden, UT 84403 • Easterly Eric G Attorney at Law 1795 Sidewinder Dr, Ste 201 Park City, UT 84060 • Park Glen W Attorney Po Box 17181 Salt Lake City, UT 84117 • David R. McKinney- P.C. 8 E Broadway, #500 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 • Denali Inc 1134 Whileaway Rd E Park City, UT 84098 • Burningham- Leonard W. Attorney 455 N 5th W Salt Lake City, UT 84116 • Gustavson Mark S Attorney 1348 Longdale Dr Sandy, UT 84092 • Lind Eric S Attorney 34 N Main St Kanab, UT 84741 • Blackburn- Timothy W. Attorney 2404 Washington Blvd, #900 Ogden, UT 84401 • Cowley Charles H Attorney 308 Alta St Salt Lake City, UT 84103 • Douglas Hogan 86 S Main St Tooele, UT 84074 • Allphin JERI L Attorney 1327 S 800 E Orem, UT 84097 • Call- Frank Attorney 29 S State St Salt Lake City, UT 84111 • Bailey Taylor & Jennings LC 584 S State St Orem, UT 84058 • Richards J Randall Attorney 5373 S Green St Salt Lake City, UT 84123 • Shapiro Bruce H Attorney 3760 Highland Dr, Ste 200 Salt Lake City, UT 84106 • Hartwig David R Attorney at Law 1817 S Main St, #17 Salt Lake City, UT 84115 • Schoenhals Jack L Attorney 2849 Millicent Dr Salt Lake City, UT 84108 • Atwood Robert D 40 W Cache Valley Blvd Logan, UT 84341 • Kenny Philip S Attorney 1892 E 5665 S Ogden, UT 84403 • Argyle Wesley C Attorney Attorney at Law 495 S 100 W Bountiful, UT 84010 • Hettinger H Russell 211 E Broadway, #216 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 • Barker Phillip D Attorney at Law 165 W Canyon Crest Rd Alpine, UT 84004 • Corporon & Williams Attorneys 405 S Main St Salt Lake City, UT 84101 • Mitchell Scott B Attorney 2469 Fort Union Blvd Salt Lake City, UT 84121 • Guyon Peter W Attorney 3300 Newhouse Dr Magna, UT 84044 • Welling Scott Attorney 502 W 200 N Midway, UT 84049 • Drake David 7146 S 1300 E Midvale, UT 84047 • Stuart Dean A 1805 S Redwood Rd Salt Lake City, UT 84104 • Cox- ELLE Attorney 39 Exchange Pl Salt Lake City, UT 84111 • Marshall Randall Lee P C Attorney 5926 Fashion Point Dr, #200 Ogden, UT 84403 • Combs Kenneth L Attorney at Law 120 E Saint George Blvd St George, UT 84770 • Warr Irene Attorney at Law 5285 W 2400 S Salt Lake City, UT 84120 • Anderson & Anderson PC 1st St N Monticello, UT 84535 • Immigration Law Center 320 W 200 S Salt Lake City, UT 84101 • Adams- Gregory J. Attorney 170 S Main St, #800 Salt Lake City, UT 84101 • Durham- John C. Attorney 2 S Main St Salt Lake City, UT 84101 • Hunt Brian T 1111 Brickyard Rd Salt Lake City, UT 84106 • Parsons William B III 440 E 3300 S Salt Lake City, UT 84115 • Ascione Heideman & McKay LLC 50 E 100 S St George, UT 84770 • Clegg- Perry S. Attorney 8 E Broadway, #550 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 • Collard Kathryn Attorney 9 Exchange Pl, #1111 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 • Clark J Colby Attorney 201 S Main St Salt Lake City, UT 84111 • McCullough & Associates LLC 6885 S State St Midvale, UT 84047 • Cook Craig S Attorney 3645 Cascade Way Salt Lake City, UT 84109 • Goodman Joseph Attorney 2825 E Cottonwood Pky Salt Lake City, UT 84121 • Medsker Richard R Attorney 205 26th St Ogden, UT 84401 • Medlin James B 783 Rainforest Dr Salt Lake City, UT 84107 • Smith Joyce G Attorney at Law 34 E 200 N Blanding, UT 84511 • Cannon & Match P C 370 E South Temple St, #200 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 • Corry W Kent Attorney 630 W 200 N Cedar City, UT 84720 • Beaslin John C PC 185 N Vernal Ave, Ste 1 Vernal, UT 84078 • Calder Tom 312 Main St Park City, UT 84060 • Rudman Tony J Attorney 1111 Brickyard Rd, #106 Salt Lake City, UT 84106 • Haugej Tamera 1121 E 3900 S Salt Lake City, UT 84124 • Warren- Barton J. Attorney 261 E 300 S, #175 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 • Immigration Law Offices of REZA Athari 498 Skyline Dr St George, UT 84770 • Guardian Ad Litem & Casa 37 N 100 E Salina, UT 84654 • Harper Ward Attorney 525 E 100 S Salt Lake City, UT 84102 • Jaussi Jonathan Attorney at Law 524 W 300 N Provo, UT 84601 • Beaver County – Attorney 600 N Beaver, UT 84713 • Watts James Attorney 774 E 2100 S Salt Lake City, UT 84106 • Cummings Craig S Attorney 240 S 200 W, Ste 100 Farmington, UT 84025 • Douglas D Adair Attorney at Law 80 N Main St Bountiful, UT 84010 • Arnold- R. Clark Attorney 425 S 400 E Salt Lake City, UT 84111 • County Attorney 8000 W Duchesne, UT 84021 • Burton Rulon T & Associates 6000 South Fashion Boulevard Draper, UT 84020 • Stewart Jon K Attorney 50 W Broadway, #100 Salt Lake City, UT 84101 • Williams Scott E 3325 N University Ave Provo, UT 84604 • Reber Fay E Attorney 260 W Saint George Blvd St George, UT 84770 • Law Offices of Kendall C FARR 4400 Butternut Rd Salt Lake City, UT 84124 • Hugie Amy Forsgren Attorney 33 S Main St Brigham City, UT 84302 • Malmberg Jan Attorney 245 N Vine St Salt Lake City, UT 84103 • Henry Sara A Sahv PC 1400 Snow Creek Dr Park City, UT 84060 • Law Office of Lewis P Adams 495 E 4500 S, #102 Salt Lake City, UT 84107 • Peck Elizabeth M Attorney 350 S 400 E Salt Lake City, UT 84111 • Lallatin Gerald J ESQ 226 W 2230 N, #100 Provo, UT 84604 • Rodriguez Baltazar Dorany Attorney 8541 Redwood Rd West Jordan, UT 84088 • Blakesley James R Attorney 2595 E 3300 S Salt Lake City, UT 84109 • Martinez Michael N Attorney 4479 Gordon Ln Salt Lake City, UT 84107 • Malouf Law Offices LC 150 E 200 N Logan, UT 84321 • Coggins Deven J Attorney 5684 Green St Salt Lake City, UT 84123 • Russell Y. Minas Attorney At Law- P.C. 1945 S 1100 E, #200 Salt Lake City, UT 84106 • Halls Craig C Attorney 333 S Main St Blanding, UT 84511 • Brown Jeffrey B Attorney 4685 Highland Dr, #175 Salt Lake City, UT 84117 • Professional Corporate Compliance Inc 147 Election Rd Draper, UT 84020 • Metro National Title 345 E Broadway Salt Lake City, UT 84111 • Tucker Robert M Attorney 1326 E 900 S Salt Lake City, UT 84105 • Stout Michael Attorney 9 Exchange Pl, #800 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 • Chamberlain Associates 225 N 100 E Richfield, UT 84701 • Stith L James Attorney 2029 Sidewinder Dr Park City, UT 84060 • McClellan- Clark A. Attorney 363 E Main St, #201 Vernal, UT 84078 • Quinn Kofford PC Attorneys 481 W 50 N American Fork, UT 84003 • Rammell Jason R Attorney 3600 S Market St Salt Lake City, UT 84119 • Essig Fred D Attorney 2240 N 1600 E Logan, UT 84341 • Lauritzen A W Attorney 610 N Main St Logan, UT 84321 • Dart Adamson & Donovan 310 S Main St Salt Lake City, UT 84101 • National Sentry Corporation 260 W Saint George Blvd, Ste 201 St George, UT 84770 • Florence Brian R Attorney 5486 Skyline Dr Ogden, UT 84403 • Sundwall Michael G Attorney 533 W 2600 S, #125 Bountiful, UT 84010 • Morris Bill Attorney 3293 Harrison Blvd Ogden, UT 84403 • Marsden- McKay Attorney 8 E Broadway, #414 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 • Robinson Bryan Attorney 4970 South 900 East Salt Lake City, UT 84117 • Lee Wallace A Attorney 55 N Main St Panguitch, UT 84759 • Stephens Jeffrey R Attorney 2964 W 4700 S Salt Lake City, UT 84118 • Sampson John P Attorney 2650 Washington Blvd Ogden, UT 84401 • Snow J Matthew Attorney 299 S Main St Salt Lake City, UT 84111 • Bradley Richard H Attorney 4525 Wasatch Blvd Salt Lake City, UT 84124 • Cook Tom Attorney 3269 S Main St Salt Lake City, UT 84115 • Gregory Skabelund 2176 N Main St Logan, UT 84341 • Law Office of Steven Baeder 333 E 400 S, #204 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 • Thornley Richard H Attorney 2610 Washington Blvd Ogden, UT 84401 • The Bankruptcy Center 145 W Gentile St Layton, UT 84041 • Howell Armand J 648 E 100 S Salt Lake City, UT 84102 • Johnson Eric Kent PC Attorney 2666 S 2000 E Salt Lake City, UT 84109 • J Garry McAllister 14254 S 6400 W Riverton, UT 84096 • Aaronson Grand 808 E 1910 S Provo, UT 84606 • Marshall Jan Law Office of Derek Coulter 11576 S State St, #503 Draper, UT 84020 • Williams H Mifflin Attorney 500 S Main St, #68 Salt Lake City, UT 84101 • Monson- Sean A. Attorney 10 Exchange Pl Salt Lake City, UT 84111 • Vancampen Chris Law Office 189 S State St, Ste 200 Clearfield, UT 84015 • Durbano Properties 476 Heritage Park Blvd Layton, UT 84041 • Coombs John Michale Attorney 3098 Highland Dr Salt Lake City, UT 84106 • Paulsen Erik C & Associates 9425 Union Sq Sandy, UT 84070 • German & Associates Mba Attorney 246 N Orem Blvd Orem, UT 84057 • Pendleton Gary W Attorney at Law 301 E Tabernacle St, Ste 200 St George, UT 84770 • Phippen David P 55 N Main St, #301 Logan, UT 84321 • LaMar J Winward 150 N 200 E #204 Kanab, UT 84770 • Smedley- James J Attorney 30 N Main St Heber City, UT 84032 • Ashton Paul H ESQ 175 S Main St Salt Lake City, UT 84111 • Miller Christina Attorney Park Ave Park City, UT 84060 • Allan & Easton LLC 1892 N 1120 W Provo, UT 84604 • Aaronson Grand 2708 S Redwood Rd, #200 West Valley City, UT 84119 • Olsen John K Attorney 120 W Main St Midway, UT 84049 • Neeleman- Jennifer L. Attorney 9 Exchange Pl, Ste 417 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 • Davis Doug Attorney 333 S 520 W Lindon, UT 84042 • Findlay- Delano S Attorney at Law 684 E Vine St Salt Lake City, UT 84107 • Gold Brent Attorney 2064 Prospector Ave Park City, UT 84060 • Jensen Michael MBA 136 S Main St, #300 Salt Lake City, UT 84101 • Dorius- Dale M Attorney 201 S Main St Gunnison, UT 84634 • C Michael Lawrence P C 5681 S Redwood Rd, #23 Salt Lake City, UT 84123 • Colton Sylvia ESQ 1206 W South Jordan Pky South Jordan, UT 84095 • Hare Ronald Attorney 765 S Highway 99 Fillmore, UT 84631 • Essig- Lester K. Attorney 36 N State St, #1400 Salt Lake City, UT 84103 • Utzinger Todd Attorney at Law 144 N 100 W Bountiful, UT 84010 • Eliason- Eldon A Attorney 187 N Center St Delta, UT 84624 • Barker Ronald C Attorney 2870 S State St Salt Lake City, UT 84115 • Palmer- Mark D. Attorney 976 W 1700 S Clearfield, UT 84015 • Isbell Law Office 2202 N Main St Cedar City, UT 84721 • Matthew T Graff & Associates 1160 W 250 N Kanab, UT 84770 • Greene Brian Attorney at Law 875 S Orem Blvd Orem, UT 84058 • Anderton Kenneth G Attorney 110 E 100 S Vernal, UT 84078 • Anna W. Drake- P.C. 215 S State St, #500 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 • Christensen Steven A Attorney 3381 Star Fire Rd South Jordan, UT 84095 • Hafen Kendrick J Attorney 2766 Red Mountain Dr Santa Clara, UT 84765 • Trotter- Donna M. Attorney P.O. Box 340 Vernal, UT 84078 • Howell Reese S Attorney 376 E 400 S, #304 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 • Jensen Justin Attorney 14111 Senior Band Rd Draper, UT 84020 • Frischknecht- Paul Attorney 40 N Main St Manti, UT 84642 • Duzan- James R. Attorney 230 S 500 E, #300 Salt Lake City, UT 84102 • Falk- Jennifer L. Attorney 105 S 1100 E, #2257 Salt Lake City, UT 84102 • Dahl Everett E Attorney 49 W Center St Midvale, UT 84047 • Schwegman Lundberg 4625 Sycamore Dr Salt Lake City, UT 84117 • Weeks E Nordell Attorney 19 E 200 S, Ste 1000 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 • Jackson Leray G Attorney 259 N Highway 6 Delta, UT 84624 • Chuntz Howard Attorney 1149 W Center St Orem, UT 84057 • Harrington Richard R Attorney 2696 N University Ave, #200 Provo, UT 84604 • Kessler Law Office 9117 W 2700 S Magna, UT 84044 • Noland Jeffery J Attorney 859 E 900 S Salt Lake City, UT 84105 • Bankruptcy by Tina Lefgren 290 25th St, #102 Ogden, UT 84401 • Wangsgard Scott R Attorney 57 W 200 S, Ste 400 Salt Lake City, UT 84101 • Wilson & Wilson 5620 Highland Dr Salt Lake City, UT 84121 • Whatcott Kevin D Attorney 1846 S 300 W Salt Lake City, UT 84115 • Sessions Todd Attorney 2485 Grant Ave Ogden, UT 84401 • Russell Steve Attorney Grand County Law & Justice CNTR 729 Bartlett Cir Moab, UT 84532 • Williams Scott C LLC 43 E 400 S Salt Lake City, UT 84111 • Dawson Bruce L Attorney 3755 Washington Blvd Ogden, UT 84403 • Richard Allen Attorney 2975 Executive Pky, Ste 200 Lehi, UT 84043 • Hale Barbara P Attorney 1063 E South Union Ave Midvale, UT 84047 • Rice John K Attorney 51 E 7800 S Midvale, UT 84047 • Schmidt Gregory J Attorney 2046 Murray Holladay Rd Salt Lake City, UT 84117 • Molgard Jack H Attorney 102 S 100 W Brigham City, UT 84302 • Johansen Conrad H Attorney 45 W Sego Lily Dr Sandy, UT 84070 • McPhail Ross E Attorney 70 N Main St Bountiful, UT 84010 • Tanner Mark H Attorney 655 S Main St Orangeville, UT 84537 • Romney Lisa G Attorney 2118 E 3900 S Salt Lake City, UT 84124 • PRM Investment CO 4547 S 700 E Salt Lake City, UT 84107 • Poulton & Yordan Attorneys 324 S 400 W Salt Lake City, UT 84101 • Cummings Michael D Attorney 225 S 200 E Salt Lake City, UT 84111 • Quintana & York 3341 S 700 E Salt Lake City, UT 84106 • Mangrum Dennis Attorney 7110 Highland Dr Salt Lake City, UT 84121 • Hatch- Cleve Attorney at Law 155 E Lagoon St Roosevelt, UT 84066 • Sampinos Nick J Attorney 190 N Carbon Ave Price, UT 84501 • White- Joane Pappas Attorney at Law 6 W Main St Price, UT 84501 • Farnsworth Briant J Attorney 5383 S 900 E Murray, UT 84117 • Olson & Hoggan PC Attorneys at Law 123 E Main St Tremonton, UT 84337 • Smedley J Mark Attorney 30 N Main St, #5 Heber City, UT 84032 • Ayala C Theodore Attorney 205 W 700 S Salt Lake City, UT 84101 • Brindley Sullivan 249 E Tabernacle St, #102 St George, UT 84770 • Starley Sandra V Attorney 76 S Main St, Ste 19 Moab, UT 84532 • Crook- D. Scott Attorney 215 S State St, #650 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 • Celeste C Canning PLLC 2590 Washington Blvd, #200 Ogden, UT 84401 • McCullough Lee S P C III 5255 Edgewood Dr Provo, UT 84604 • Halls- Craig C Attorney 159 W 700 N Blanding, UT 84511 • Dawson Bruce L Attorney at Law 340 E 400 S Salt Lake City, UT 84111 • Neeleman Jennifer L Attorney 192 E 200 N, Ste 202 St George, UT 84770 • Snow-Sorensen Marla R Attorney 765 N Main St Spanish Fork, UT 84660 • Edwards Duke Attorney 4625 S 2300 E, #206 Salt Lake City, UT 84117 • Graham Jan Law Offices 150 S 600 E, #5a Salt Lake City, UT 84102 • Henderson Law Offices 40 W Cache Valley Blvd, Ste 4C Logan, UT 84341 • Branch Tom D Attorney 1350 Draper Pky Draper, UT 84020 • Kennicott Jim Attorney 136 Heber Ave Park City, UT 84060 • Whiteley Brenda S Attorney 32 E 100 S Kanab, UT 84770 • Nielson Parker M Attorney 655 S 200 E Salt Lake City, UT 84111 • Hatch- Kendall P Attorney 230 S 500 E Salt Lake City, UT 84102 • Nalder Robin Kent Attorney at Law 1835 W 1950 S Ogden, UT 84401 • Mulliner John G Attorney 363 N University Ave, Ste 103 Provo, UT 84601 • Coleman- Jared G. Attorney 136 U St, #200 Salt Lake City, UT 84103 • Pace- Ryan H Attorney 4723 Harrison Blvd Ogden, UT 84403 • Nemelka Rhett B Attorney 6806 South 1300 East Salt Lake City, UT 84121 • Bird J Kevin Attorney 384 E 720 S Orem, UT 84058 • Zarr Thomas M Attorney 1134 S 1700 E Salt Lake City, UT 84108 • Kingston Carl E Attorney 3212 S State St Salt Lake City, UT 84115 • Salberg Jeffrey D Counselor 255 Main St Park City, UT 84060 • Bunderson Jon J Attorney at Law 45 N 100 E Brigham City, UT 84302 • Poole & Adams LC 4543 S 700 E, #200 Salt Lake City, UT 84107 • Hanks & Mortensen- P.C. 8 E Broadway Salt Lake City, UT 84111 • Gaither Randall Attorney 159 W Broadway Salt Lake City, UT 84101 • Martin J Pezely Attorney 7700 Maple St Midvale, UT 84047 • Baar- Lois A. Attorney 9 Exchange Pl, #1112 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 • Taylor Marcus PC 175 N Main St Richfield, UT 84701 • Culas- Roberto G Attorney at Law 5663 S Redwood Rd Salt Lake City, UT 84123 • Tanner James R 250 S Main St Tooele, UT 84074 • Fankhauser E H Attorney 243 E 400 S Salt Lake City, UT 84111

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It's not a matter of if, it's a matter of when. Legal problems come to everyone. Whether it's your son who gets in a car wreck, your uncle who loses his job and needs to file for bankruptcy, your sister's brother who's getting divorced, or a grandparent that passes away without a will -all of us have legal issues and questions that arise. So when you have a law question, call Ascent Law for your free consultation (801) 676-5506. We want to help you!

Ascent Law LLC 8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite C West Jordan, Utah 84088 United States Telephone: (801) 676-5506

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