Is Bacon Bad For You: Health Benefits, Nutrients, Drawbacks and More

Bacon is a favorite for many for its unique taste. But its high cholesterol content tin can be a concern for many. Notwithstanding, the benefits of bacon are gaining attention due to its few benign nutrients. Based on the part of the pork being used and the processing methods, salary is classified into different types – jowl salary, collar bacon, and side bacon. There are many means to include bacon in your diet. Learn more almost them, the health benefits of bacon, and its side effects. Go along reading.

Bacon Nutrition Facts

As with most meats, bacon is fairly nutritious and tin can easily supplement a healthy nutrition, when taken in moderation. As per FDA, a typical 100-gram portion of bacon contains (i):

  • Protein – 33.33 grand
  • Carbohydrates- 0 g
  • Fats – 46.67 yard
  • Sodium – 1.8 g
  • Sugars- 0 g
  • Cholesterol – 100 mg
  • Calories – 600 kcal

As we tin derive from the nutritional facts of bacon stated above, a typical portion of cooked bacon contains a skilful amount of fat, with most fifty% of that consisting of monounsaturated fats and oleic acid (the healthy fat known to make olive oil good for the heart and wellness). This shows that not all fatty content in bacon is of concern (two).

That being said, a significant portion of fats in bacon is saturated fats which band the alarm bell. Though information technology is known that a high intake of saturated fats may affect your heart and overall health, at that place accept been no directly links establish as such (iii). Basically, if you regulate your portion size and eat bacon in balanced proportions, so there'due south not much to worry about.

Even though it is loftier in sodium and fat content, it is non loftier in calories. With its high-fat, high-protein content and most no carbohydrate, it makes for a good meal when information technology comes to low-carb protein-rich Keto diets (4).

Salary can offer certain health benefits when eaten in moderation and incorporated into your meals in a counterbalanced healthy fashion.

Wellness Benefits Of Bacon

Typically, salary goes through a manufacturing process chosen 'curation' wherein information technology is soaked in a solution of salt, nitrates, and sugar. Whether its wellness benefits outweigh its side-effects, more often than not depends on how information technology is manufactured and the kind of additives added therein. Let'due south take a await at its wellness benefits first.

  • Provides Essential Nutrients

Bacon is a good source of loftier-quality fauna protein, of import B-vitamins, and minerals similar phosphorus and selenium (five). While the poly peptide provides the necessary amino acids to build muscle mass, the vitamin B complex plays a vital function in the body's metabolic processes.

Niacin (vit B3), pyridoxine (vit B6), and biotin (vit B7), are of import in breaking downwardly the fats and carbohydrates to aid the digestion procedure. Other B vitamins such as Thiamin (vit B1) and Folate (vit B9), are crucial to circuitous cellular processes such as Deoxyribonucleic acid replication and cell partitioning (6). These also play an important function in the formation of neurotransmitters.

Selenium is another important mineral constitute in bacon that acts as an antioxidant, reducing the risk of certain cancers and heart diseases, while building immunity also (seven). Every bit mentioned in the Scientific Consensus, it has too been plant to reduce the utilise of corticosteroid medicines in people suffering from chronic asthma (8).

Autonomously from these, bacon is also a proficient source of omega-iii fatty acids that helps reduce cholesterol and meliorate overall heart health (nine).

  • Aids Encephalon Development

Bacon, like well-nigh meat, is a practiced source of choline. Choline is an essential nutrient that plays a vital role in the development of the encephalon. It is known to be crucial in fetal encephalon evolution and healing abnormalities in degenerative diseases similar Alzheimer's and dementia equally well (10).

  • Improves Cardiac Wellness

Bacon, though rich in fats, is surprisingly skillful for our heart. Information technology contains a significant corporeality of omega-iii fat acids that help in reducing cholesterol and improving cardiac health overall. Bacon besides contains skillful amounts of saturated fats and oleic acids that aid in decreasing cholesterol levels (xi).

  • Natural Mood Booster

It might seem strange but eating salary tin actually uplift your mood. While eating whatever processed food might seem to have this blissful effect, there's really some science behind information technology Studies have shown that a deficiency of amino acids and sure neurotransmitters can aggravate mutual mental disorders such as bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and fifty-fifty clinical depression (12). Bacon is a natural mood enhancer that helps accomplish a positive state of heed, an overall feeling of satisfaction, and lower stress levels .

  • Helps Satiate Food Cravings

Bacon, being rich in healthy fats and high in poly peptide content, makes you feel full afterward a diet. It satiates your hunger pangs while maintaining your energy levels and metabolism efficiently.

  • Helps Maintain The Electrolyte Residuum

Athletes often tend to sweat out so much that it might crusade an electrolyte imbalance for them. In such cases, they are recommended a loftier-sodium diet to help in managing symptoms of what is known as Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) (13 ). Bacon, being a high-sodium food, helps them maintain the common salt balance. Equally per anecdotal evidence, a bacon diet might assist relieve hangover headaches as well.

In good practice, it's best to pair bacon with salubrious vegetables and other nutritious nutrient to get the well-nigh out of its health benefits and flavors. Going farther we have a await at a few ways of including bacon in your nutrition in a salubrious mode.

How To Include Bacon In A Healthy Diet

You tin can enjoy having bacon in your diet if yous know how to balance its nutrients and go on your portions in check.

  • Instead of having bacon as the primary component of your meal, yous can but sprinkle it over your favorite wholewheat pasta or any salad full of greens to add to its season.
  • You tin make a depression-fat craven wrap with grilled vegetables and a slice of bacon.
  • Grilled bacon with eggs and toast too makes for another hearty repast.

The fundamental to enjoying bacon as part of a salubrious lifestyle is to eat it occasionally, not every solar day.

The all-time and healthiest manner to have salary is to pan-fry it until it is crispy. That helps most of the fat to melt away. You can then use some paper towels to wipe off the excess fatty. Ane should be careful not to overcook or burn the salary as that triggers the carcinogenic ingredients.

In case yous are not comfortable having bacon, you tin can however go the experience and season of information technology with certain bacon-similar alternatives. Turkey bacon and vegan salary are the 2 virtually popular salary alternatives these days.

Bacon Alternatives

Turkey Bacon

While Turkey salary has the same cons of being processed meat, it is nevertheless less in calories and fats when compared to regular bacon. It has a slightly different taste and texture merely still adds the required season to your meals without much of a fat intake.

Vegan Bacon

In example you take decided to follow a plant-based diet simply miss the flavor of bacon, y'all can then use the alternative of store-bought vegan bacon or brand your own versions out of marinated tofu, tempeh, or seitan. While these are high in protein, they accept near no fat. Hence, information technology is best to pair these with vegan fatty sources like avocado to get a counterbalanced satiated meal.

Drawbacks Of Bacon

  • High Sodium Content

The manufacturing procedure of bacon involves the curing of meat in common salt or brine, which invariably adds to its loftier sodium content. A typical single serving contains one-fourth of the recommended dietary allowance for sodium. Hence it becomes crucial that you picket your portion size and complement it with other nutritious diets. This would assistance to reduce the harmful furnishings of excess salt intake similar breadbasket cancer and high blood force per unit area (fourteen), (15).

  • Nitrates And Nitrites

During the curing process, bacon is processed with the addition of nitrates and nitrites, which when exposed to loftier oestrus tend to form nitrosamines, which are potential carcinogens (16). To mitigate this business, many bacon producers have started using certain antioxidants in the curing process to lower the nitrate content in bacon thereby reducing the risks .

  • Processed Meat And Lifestyle Diseases

Salary is a processed meat product and regular intake of any candy meat is known to be associated with a college likelihood of developing particular cancers and other diseases. It increases the risk of certain heart atmospheric condition and diabetes as well. (17),(xviii) Too, eating processed foods regularly, generally hints at unhealthy lifestyle habits. Normally, people with a sedentary and inactive lifestyle tend to accept a high intake of processed food, smoke more often, and exercise less frequently. All these add upwards to the cumulative consequence on our health and well-being.


As we meet above, the cardinal here is moderation. Controlling the portion size and fugitive regular intake helps in maintaining the remainder. Though bacon has its evident drawbacks, information technology can also offer u.s. certain important health benefits if we know how to contain information technology in our nutrition in a healthy counterbalanced fashion. Also, if you are not comfortable eating bacon, yous tin include turkey bacon or vegan salary in your meals. With all the above things put into practise, "Is bacon bad for you" is a choice that'southward ultimately yours to make.


Articles on StyleCraze are backed past verified information from peer-reviewed and bookish research papers, reputed organizations, research institutions, and medical associations to ensure accuracy and relevance. Read our editorial policy to learn more.

  1. Bacon
  2. An Overview Of The Modulatory Effects Of Oleic Acrid In Health And Disease
  3. Meta-assay Of Prospective Cohort Studies Evaluating The Association Of Saturated Fatty With Cardiovascular Disease
  4. Ketogenic Diet
  5. Pork Bacon Rendered Fat Cooked
  6. Vitamin B-12
    https://world wide
  7. Selenium: Its Role As An Antioxidant In Homo Health
  8. Decreased Consumption Of Corticosteroids After Selenium Supplementation In Corticoid-dependent Asthmatics
  9. Contempo Clinical Trials Shed New Light On The Cardiovascular Benefits Of Omega-three Fat Acids
  10. Associations Of Dietary Choline Intake With Take chances Of Incident Dementia And With Cognitive Operation: The Kuopio Ischaemic Heart Disease Risk Cistron Study
  11. Does Dietary Cholesterol Matter?
  12. Understanding Nutrition Low And Mental Illnesses
  13. Postural Tachycardia Syndrome (Pots)
  14. Dietary Table salt Intake And Run a risk Of Gastric Cancer
  15. Mechanisms Of Common salt-Sensitive Hypertension
  16. Dietary Nitrates Nitrites And Nitrosamines Intake And The Take a chance Of Gastric Cancer: A Meta-assay
  17. A Prospective Study Of Red And Processed Meat Intake In Relation To Cancer Chance
  18. Red And Processed Meat Consumption And Risk Of Incident Coronary Heart Disease Stroke And Diabetes Mellitus: A Systematic Review And Meta-assay

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Varsha holds a master's degree in biotechnology and is a certified diet and diet coach. She combines her scientific knowledge... more


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